P. 8
Is the haunting specter back? He has been entitled a
philosopher, an economist, a sociologist, an anthropologist, a
journalist without his own approval. From one perspective he
is seen as an inspiration, or a master mind or even a messiah;
however, from another ideological view, he is slandered as a
wicked, atheist, idle one, as well as the incarnation of
Beelzebub. These are just the softest insults against him.
Actually, Karl Heinrich Marx was, is and will be just Marx.
Undoubtedly, without all that huge amount of controversies
he would not have reached the top of the heap.
It is worth exploring all his enriching and diverse traits,
versions and works so as not to unfairly criticize him.
Definitely, he will remain the most influential thinker in the
last two centuries. His thinking vein has become a significant
reference in our permanent search for understanding
ourselves as active subjects who must be aware of our own
transforming role. Grounded on this, we are surely able to
emancipate from the forces submitting us.
Marx’s stances to alienation, -together with his thesis on
Material influence of socioeconomic and historical forces, are
invaluable ideas which deserve genuine inquiry from a
dialectical outlook. Building further on this, the writing
project Medio Pan y un Libro at Enrique Olaya Herrera
School (Bogotá, Colombia) introduces this compilation,
which pays homage to Karl Heinrich Marx’s memory in his
bicentennial birthday’s celebration. His thought still stands
relevant as a social thinker.
Therefore, allow our contributors to raise their voices
invoking the haunting specter.
Receive my warm and fraternal greetings.
translated by, Ivan Potier H.