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4 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
        KECKLER                              this to one, they’re doing          helps veterans young and old.

        continued from page 3                this to all. From that moment       “I met a Vietnam Special
                                             on, my mission has been to          Forces vet at a recent

        then,” she said. “There’s a big      make sure veterans get their        meeting,” she said. “He told
        difference today – all these         entitlements.                       me he was having a difficult
        entities are welcoming of            “It’s amazing the percentage        time getting an MRI and eye
        veterans.”                           of veterans out there who           exam at the VA hospital. He’d

        Mary Ann worked with many            don’t know what they are            been trying for three months

        Vietnam vets to help them get        entitled to, especially those       to get appointments. I said,
        the care the deserved. Then,         who served in the time I            ‘give me your information.’
        her son was seriously injured        did,” she added. “Today,            By the time the meeting
        while on R&R with the Air            thankfully, they leave with         ended, I had scheduled an
        Force.                               that knowledge.”                    MRI for the next day and             Mary Ann Keckler, U.S. Navy
                                                                                 the eye exam for the next
        “My son served in Libya in           Mary Ann moved to Hernando          week. He said, ‘How did you          veteran.
        the months before the 9/11           County in 1989. She was             do that?’ I said, ‘It just got       or traumatic brain injuries.
        attacks,” she said. “When he         her son’s caregiver until his       done.’”                              In 2004, Mary Ann received a
        came back on R&R, he was             death in 2016 and continued                                              call from a physician who had

        in an accident and broke his         her work with veteran’s             He said, “‘I may have been           treated her son. He told her
        neck. He spent the rest of his       groups, including serving as        special forces in the military,      that family members – mostly
        life in a wheelchair.”               the DAV representative to           but Mary Ann’s special forces
                                             James A. Haley VA Hospital,         in the hospital.’”                   spouses and children – of
        The VA tried to deny him             where she works with state                                               these wounded veterans were
        benefits. Mary Ann fought for        representatives and all the         Mary Ann also has brought            traveling to Tampa to be near
        and got her son the care he          DAV VA volunteers.                  her advocacy to the Hernando         their loved one in the hospital.
        needed.                                                                  County Veteran’s Court. In           But they didn’t have any
                                             Her ability to problem solve        Florida, Veteran’s courts are        money, so they were sleeping
        “I thought, ‘if they’re doing                                            designed to assist justice-          in their cars.
                                                                                 involved defendants with
            S SENIOR ENIOR VOICEOICE                                             the complex treatment needs          “I said, ‘not on my watch.’

                                                                                                                      I formed a committee we
                                                                                 associated with substance
                                                                                                                      called Haley House and we
                                                                                 abuse, mental health, and
                                                                                                                      worked with local hotels to
                                                                                 other issues unique to the

                                                                                                                      families. I’m proud to say
                                            traumatic experience of              give us reduced rates for these
                                                                                 war. Mary Ann and other
           The Senior Voice in Hernando County is a monthly   Here are just a few of the many many   mentors work with the   that Hernando County raised
         community newspaper targeted toward adults 55 & older.     locations to pick up a Senior Voice.  veterans, the judicial system,   $79,000 in one week! It’s
                                                 Walmart on Spring Hill Dr.      and the VA to get the veterans       still going; we’re still putting

              Locally owned & operated.                                          therapy for PTSD or medical          families up in these hotels,”
         Publisher– Jim Vavala                   Walmart on US 19 in Spring Hill  care and rehabilitative services    she said.
         Editor – Megan Carella                  The YMCA on Mariner             for substance abuse issues.          Mary Ann says she will
                                                                                 If the veteran follows the
         Graphic Design – Jake VanHook                                           prescribed protocol for one          continue to help veterans as

         Advertising Coordinator: Jim Vavala     Doc’s Diner on Cortez & Mariner  year, their criminal record is      long as she is able.

         Sales- Shelley Ketchum, Lisa Nash       Walgreens at Glen Lakes         expunged.                            “My knowledge goes to
                                                                                                                      anyone who needs it. I am
         Distribution - Jennifer Jernigan                                        The Afghanistan and Iraq             here to make sure our veterans
                                                 Publix in Brooksville on Cortez  Wars have brought new               get their entitlements,” she

         To advertise or get information: call   Main Street Eatery downtown     needs to the forefront, as           said. “If I can help a veteran
                                                                                 service people have suffered
         352-277-6309                            Brooksville                     severe wounds from IEDs              or family member and I see
                                                                                                                      a smile on their face, it’s like
                                                                                 (improvised explosive                giving me a million dollars.
          To submit photos or articles send to – P.O. Box 15622 Brooksville, FL. 34604 Or email to –  devices). The James A. Haley
         Reproduction of any part of the Senior Voice in Hernando County without written permission   hospital is the main veterans   “My mission is not yet complete.”

               from Publisher is prohibited. Copyright @ 2020 by Lynn Haven Ledger LLC.  hospital for patients with TBI,
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