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8 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

                         Thanksgiving 2020 -

             Celebrate It or Cancel It?

                                             diary or did journaling, we
                                             might be tempted to tear out
                                             all 2020 entries and burn them                          With all the
                                             in a fire on December 31st,

                                             as an act of hope for a better                difficulties of 2020,
                                             2021.                                    what are we to do with

                                             With all the difficulties of

                                             2020, what are we to do with                  Thanksgiving Day?

        By Jerry Waugh, Pastor               Thanksgiving Day? Should
        of Care                              we still celebrate it or should
        Northcliffe Church -                 we cancel it? After all, how        Five year-old Bobby was              reply have become one of the
        Spring Hill                          long could our thanksgiving         asked if he would like to say        most widely read letters to a
                                             list be this year?                  the prayer before the family         newspaper ever. It is entitled,
        Let’s just admit it - the 2020       A look back at the first            began their Thanksgiving Day  “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa
        coronavirus pandemic has             Thanksgiving can help               dinner. As everyone bowed            Claus.” If there was a Virginia

        been the pits. Whatever              us decide what to do this           their heads, Bobby looked            who lived in our area and
        we imagined the new year             Thanksgiving. The pilgrims          around the table at all the          she sent me a letter asking
        would look like back on New          landed at Plymouth Rock in          food. He smiled when he saw  whether we should celebrate
        Year’s Eve 2019, I bet none          November 1620. Without              the turkey, mashed potatoes,         or cancel Thanksgiving this

        of us imagined it would look         enough food or protection           and pies. But he also saw            year, my reply would be,
        like this. Social distancing;        from the cold, families             cranberry sauce, salad, and          “Yes, Virginia, there will be
        to mask or not to mask;              watched their loved ones            even broccoli. Bobby began           Thanksgiving this year! No
        businesses and restaurants           suffer and die. There were no       his prayer, “God, I’m looking  matter how bad things get in

        closed-opened-closed again-          villages. No stores. No way         around and I’m not sure I            life, we always have things
        reopened; stay-at-home               to restock their ship. Forty-       like everything I see but I’m        to be thankful for. We need
        orders; safe to return to            seven of the 102 pilgrims died      still thankful. Amen.” Maybe         Thanksgiving Day, this year,
        public gatherings or still not       during the first winter. But the    our prayer this Thanksgiving         as much as ever before.”

        safe. And no one could have          native Indians were kind to         might sound something like
        anticipated “The Great 2020          the pilgrims and showed them        Bobby’s prayer, “God, I’m            On the 26th of this month,
        Toilet Paper Crisis!”                                                    looking around and I’m not           I will sit around a table
                                             how to plant and grow corn.                                              with family and celebrate

        More seriously, no one could         After the harvest in 1621,          sure I like everything I see,        Thanksgiving as we thank
        have conceived that in 2020          despite a terrible year, they       but I’m still thankful.”             God from whom who all
        more than 220,000 people             had a meal together with their      Her name was Virginia.               blessings flow. We will not
        would lose their lives in the        new friends and thanked God         She was eight years old              allow COVID-19 to cancel
        United States from of a virus        for their blessings. I would        and wrote a short letter to          this special day for counting

        we had never heard of. By            say that the pilgrims’ 1620         The New York Sun asking              our blessings. I hope you will
        any account, this has been           was much more difficult than        if there was a Santa Claus.          celebrate this special day, too.
        a difficult year. If we kept a       our 2020, wouldn’t you?             Her question and the editor’s

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