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12 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County Health Connections
12 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
Health Connections features information about health issues that affect us as we age, and local health news. If you have suggestions for health-related articles,
please let me know by emailing me at
Avi Elias Named 2020 FALA
Administrator of the Year
Executive Director Avi Elias
of The Residence at Timber
Pines has been named the
Administrator of the Year by
the Florida Assisted Living
Association (FALA) for his
leadership efforts to improve
the lives of residents through
quality care and personalized
The FALA Administrator of the
Year Award recognizes leaders
who display exceptional acts of
service and commitment to the Association was established
residents and staff members in more than 25 years ago and
their community. is the oldest assisted living
association in the state. It
“Avi is a firm, strong leader, was founded by individuals
yet adaptive to those around who represent the owners and
him. He guides, but let’s those operators of assisted living
around him grow and lead facilities and adult family care
with him,” said one of Avi’s homes in Florida. The FALA’s
colleagues at The Residence vision is to advance the quality
at Timber Pines. “Avi creates of services and professional
leaders on his team. He inspires support for its members as
greatness.” well as ensure the well-being
of Florida’s senior residents in
The Florida Assisted Living
assisted living communities.