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16 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County                                                             Health Connections
         16 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

               Medicare AEP Continues/

                Obamacare Health Care

                       Enrollment Begins

        By Ted Sobolewski                    ACA plan choices are still
                                             limited. However, additional
        Accent Insurance                     companies have expanded

        We continue with Medicare’s          into new counties, which
        Annual Election Period (AEP)         will give consumers some
        which allows individuals             additional plans to choose

        on Medicare to either join           from. Those individuals
        or change their Medicare             who qualify for tax credits
        Plans. This AEP started on           (these tax credits reduce your
                                             monthly premiums) usually
        need to be made by then.  Attention Medical
        10/15/2020 and ends on
                                             will pay less for their health
        12/07/2020, so all changes
                                             coverage. Those individuals
        Also, starting on 11/01/2020         who do not qualify for tax
        is the start of the Affordable       credits must pay the total
        Care Act’s open enrollment,          cost for insurance each
        which ends 12/15/2020.               month. For some, the cost
                                             of health insurance has
        As we move into another              been reduced greatly by
        year of the Affordable Care          receiving tax credits but for
        Act (ACA), or Obamacare              others the cost of healthcare
        (healthcare for under 65) there      under Obamacare has
        is still much turmoil about          soared, making it difficult            Attention Medical
        how affordable it is and how         to provide health coverage
        successful it has been. What         for themselves and/or their
        we do know is that there are         families.                                      Professionals.
        still no health questions and
        pre-existing health issues are       I am asked each year if there

        covered. So, if you sign up          are any other options available
        by 12/15/2020, your coverage         for health insurance, for under
        in most cases will begin on          65 individuals. The answer
        1/1/2021. Depending on               is yes, there are other options
        where you live, by county,          INSURANCE / Continued on page 17



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