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Senior Voice of Hernando County • NOVEMBER 2020 • 17
         Health Connections                                                                 Senior Voice of Hernando County - NOVEMBER 2020 • 17

           CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                                                  Helpline Assists

           APPOINTED FOR BAYFRONT                                                          Medicare Beneficiaries

           HEALTH BROOKSVILLE AND                                                                Select Health Plan

           SPRING HILL                                                                     Bayfront Health                 no cost or obligation to
                                                                                           Brooksville and Spring
                                                                                                                           help consumers find a
                                                                                           Hill have made available        Medicare plan that meets
           Bayfront Health has appointed          At St. Petersburg, Hayes                 a toll-free helpline to help  their health care needs.
           Sharon D. Hayes, BSN, RN,              successfully established trust           Medicare beneficiaries
           MBA, as chief executive officer        with physicians through                                                  Local consumers can
           of Bayfront Health Brooksville         intensive personal interaction,          select a health plan            access the helpline at
           and Spring Hill. She joins the         transparency and follow-through          that fits their needs and       855-583-2003, Monday

           hospital after serving as CEO of       on goals.  During her time               budget.                         through Friday, 9
           Bayfront Health St. Petersburg, a  there she also contributed to                The free helpline connects  a.m. to 8 p.m. EDT,
           480-bed, Level II Trauma Center. improving quality, safety, and                 callers with licensed           or online at www.
                                                  patient experience scores through
           “I am eager to provide leadership      collaboration with nursing and           agents who can assist in        medicarecompareusa.
           aligning the vision of both            ancillary department leaders             comparing traditional           com.
           hospitals to better serve the          and expanding the footprint of           Medicare, Medicare
           needs of Hernando and Pasco            the hospital with a renovated            Advantage, Supplement,          MedicareCompareUSA
           counties now and into the              and expanded Trauma and                  and Prescription plans,         is dedicated to helping
           future,” Hayes said.  “There is        Emergency Department and                 and then facilitate             consumers make this

           tremendous opportunity to grow         primary care offices. Hayes              enrollment in the plan          important insurance
           alongside a growing community.         previously held the position             selected. Through this          decision.
           Together with physicians,              of CEO at Bayonet Point                  program it will be               Not owned or managed
           employees and community                Regional Medical Center,
           leaders, we will nurture and           Palms of Pasadena and Edward             easier for Medicare             by any Medicare
           develop high-quality healthcare        White Hospital.  Her clinical            beneficiaries to find a         insurance company,
           services for the families that         knowledge is a strength in this          plan that is best for them      MedicareCompareUSA’s
           live here. I am thankful for the       role, as Hayes has worked as an          during Medicare annual          mission is to provide
           opportunity to work with skilled       ER trauma nurse, bedside nurse,          enrollment from October         individuals the unbiased
           individuals and to support their       and chief nursing officer.               15 through December             information they need
           dedication to patients.”                                                        7. Licensed insurance           while simplifying the

                                                                                           agents are available at         enrollment process.

        INSURANCE                            of insurance. The positive is       talk to a Broker Agent who           come and see you in your

        continued from page 16               that these plans can be up to       represents multiple plans,           home as well, with masks
                                             50% less than a similar ACA         like our agents at Accent            on to protect us all. We can
        available today. Short-term          plan.  Indemnity plans are          Insurance Group. If you want         talk over the phone, send
        health plans have continued          also growing in demand with         to know more about ACA               information by mail, or over

        to grow in availability              nationwide doctor networks,         options or possibly what             the internet. Getting you the
        and length of time that an           multiple type coverages,            Indemnity plan options that          options that are available is
        individual can be insured            including prescription drug         may be available to you,             our goal. If we can do it, we
        under these plans. Some plans  coverage with flexible pricing.  contact us at Accent Insurance  will try.
        have coverage available,             More options and more               Group. Due to the COVID-19
        without recontacting, for up         competition are what we             virus we are taking steps to         Call us at 352-666-7373 and
        to three years. The drawback         all need to help to improve         clean our office frequently          we will use the safest way to
        is that these plans do ask           access and reduce costs.            and provide masks for those          get you the information you
        some health questions. So,                                               that want to come in to              need so you can make the

        depending on your health, you        If you have questions about         discuss their options. Our           plan choice that works for
        could be declined for this type      your Medicare options,              agents still are available to        you.
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