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14 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County Health Connections
14 • NOVEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
Coping with Dementia
Let’s Not Scare Our Care Partners!
By Debbie them will die before their one can find in a support
Selsavage person with dementia likely PMC6292823/. group. Positive motivation
only demoralizes them and is always better than trying
Providing fills them with even more So, I appeal to all in the to frighten someone into
care for a despair about the grim road medical industry and care taking action.
loved one ahead, thus pushing their community to stop telling
living with stress levels even higher. care partners that they are Debbie Selsavage is a
dementia is 70 percent more likely to die Certified Trainer and
one of the A 2018 study reported by the first and leave their loved Consultant in the Positive
most exhausting care partner National Institute of Health one with dementia behind Approach to Care, and
tasks there is, because the concluded, “Although a and alone. Their task is a Certified Dementia
disease is progressive and handful of studies have stressful enough, and they Practitioner. Her company,
ultimately requires attention examined mortality among don’t need to be frightened Coping with Dementia LLC,
24/7. caregivers of persons with with unfounded warnings of is dedicated to making life
Alzheimer’s disease or impending doom. better for individuals living
To drive this message home, a related dementia, the with dementia. Contact
speakers about Alzheimer’s proportion of caregivers who We want to encourage Debbie at
and dementia, including die before their cognitively care partners to seek and to learn about free support
acknowledged experts, often impaired care recipients welcome help, such as the groups on line.
assert that 70 percent of remains unknown.” advice and companionship
family care providers will
In these previous studies,
die before their loved one the database was either too Bayfront Health
with dementia!
small or the conditions to
I cannot count the times I uncontrolled to make the Urgent Care
have heard this claim, in results reliable, and none
both lectures and casual supported the 70 percent
conversation among people claim for caregiver mortality Now Open
who are trained in this field. that is so casually thrown
It is an apocryphal story around in conversation. Bayfront Health Urgent Care is open for business
in Spring Hill Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to
that has become deeply 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6
woven into the folklore of To the contrary, the 2018 p.m. Bayfront Health Urgent Care is in Timber
dementia, but it is simply NIH study, which is rigorous Pines Plaza just off Commercial Way at 2703 Forest
not true! and based on 17 years of Rd., Spring Hill.
data, found that 18 percent
Surely, when the experts of care partners die before Bayfront Health Urgent Care offers convenient,
report this grim but the loved one they are caring professional walk-in medical care. Treatments
erroneous statistic, they for. This means that more are available for a wide range of injuries and
intend to encourage care than 80 percent of care illnesses and both imaging and lab services are
partners to be more mindful partners survive their loved onsite. Additional services include sports and
to take care of themselves; one with dementia, which school physicals. While the clinic offers extended
to care for their own health is quite the opposite from hours, is open on the weekend, an appointment is
as much as that of their the belief that 70 percent never needed. Patients can save their spot in line
loved one. But I fear the of caregivers die first! The through online check-in to save time.
result may be the opposite. referenced study can be
To tell a group of care found at https://www.ncbi. To learn more visit
partners that 70 percent of