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Senior Voice of Hernando County • NOVEMBER 2020 • 15
         Health Connections                                                                 Senior Voice of Hernando County - NOVEMBER 2020 • 15

         M     i n  d  Sh    i f t           Your Biological Supercomputer
         On Demand
                           By Donna          or fractured thought.               staring at a paper map that          timing, and inflection are all
                           Blevins,          Over half a century, I’ve           was once our standard and            important factors in speaking
                           PhD,              identified the four simple keys     wondering, “Where to now?”           with commitment that produces

                           and Daniel  to harnessing your biological             Without setting a clear, well-       positive results. Taking action
                                                                                                                      is often the overlooked step in
                           Melbourne         supercomputer so that you can       defined intention, we flounder,      accomplishing anything. This
                                             be the best version of yourself.    and end up in places where we        is the action taken to realize
                                                                                 had no conscious desire to be.
                                             The keys are: Listen. Intend                                             your goals.
        You were born with a built-          it. Reframe it. Speak it.           Intend from your heart, and          ACTION PLAN: Listen
        in magnificent, biological           Key One: Listen. The nursery        clearly set your intention.          to what you say to and ask
        supercomputer. Unfortunately,                                            Make it short. Simple. Precise.      yourself; consciously set your

        it came without an operator’s        rhyme “sticks and stones may        This is where you want to go.        intention; rewrite your self-
        manual.                              break my bones, but words           Your ‘there.’
                                             will never hurt me,” is wrong.                                           talk with purpose; and begin to
        Imagine the possibilities if you     We grew up with the mistaken        Key Three: Reframe it.               download the code modifiers to
        could harness the power of           belief that words can’t hurt us.    Creating well-crafted word-          your subconscious mind.
        your mighty three-pound organ                                            clusters creates the pathway to      You will be thrilled how
        that controls all the functions      Words are the self-programing       get you ‘there’.                     quickly your mindset and body
        of your body, interprets             software code that we use all       Take the words you choose            respond when you consciously
                                             the time, and we self-sabotage
        information from the outside,        on a regular basis. The words       and recast them. Rewrite your        make it a habit to use well-
        and is the intersection of your      you choose set yourself up for      self-talk with purpose, and shift  crafted why-questions.

        mind, body, and soul.
                                             either success or failure.          what you say and ask yourself        Your LifeShift™ might only be
        Your brain gathers and                                                   from negative to positive with       a single word away.
        processes data at lightning          Spend this upcoming week            simple WordShifts™.
                                             writing down the questions
        speed even when you’re               you ask yourself and what you       Design conscious, healthy            Mindshift coach Donna
        unaware. It is more powerful         say to yourself. Engage your        why-questions that become            Blevins, PhD, and her Right
        than any supercomputer made                                                                                   Hand, Daniel Melbourne,
        today.                               neutral mindset, and listen         your individualized code             share the MindShifting™
                                             without emotions. Be accepting  modifiers. You then become               methods worldwide through
        When maintenance is                  and forgiving. This is your         your own life’s scriptwriter         LIVE and recorded online

        ignored, any system falters,         NOW... where you are.               preparing to download code to        training. For upcoming
        and begins to lose strength          Key Two: Intend it. Once            your subconscious mind. This         classes text 352-464-1958,
        and momentum. Crashes.                                                   is how you plan to get ‘there.’      email Donna@DonnaBlevins.
        Stalls. Locks up. Without            we know where we are, it’s                                               com or opt-in at www.
        conscious, continual action,         impossible to get to ‘there’        Key Four: Speak it. Now              MindShiftOnDemand.
                                                                                 speak these new words to
                                             when we have no idea where
        the supercomputer can put its        ‘there’ is. It’s like blankly       yourself with conviction. Tone,
        owner in a state of overwhelm

                                                                      isdom fr
                                                                                                om Dav
                                                                                                                       e Barry
                                 Pearls of W
                                 Pearls of Wisdom from Dave Barry
                               Or, “Things it took me over 50 years to learn.”
                               Or, “Things it took me o                                  v  er 50 year              s to learn.”

           1. There is a very fine line between “hobby”     we observe daylight savings time.              to the waiter, is not a nice person. (This
             and “mental illness.”                        5. You should never say anything to a            is very important. Pay attention. It never
           2. You should not confuse your career with       woman that even remotely suggests that         fails.)
             your life.                                     you think she’s pregnant unless you can      7. Never be afraid to try something

           3. Never lick a steak knife.                     see an actual baby emerging from her at        new. Remember that a lone amateur

           4. You will never find anybody who can give      that moment.                                   built the Ark. A large group of skilled
                                                                                                           professionals built the Titanic.
             you a clear and compelling reason why        6. A person who is nice to you, but rude
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