Page 355 - PARAMETER D
P. 355

Part Five – Student Manual

                                                         CHAPTER 1
                                                  GENERAL INFORMATION

                                The  first  Student  Manual  was  made  effective  under  Board  of  Trustees’  Resolution
                        Number 450, s. 1997.  Considering the demands for better approaches and policy guidelines as
                        ISCAF move on to transform itself into a University and following the Commission on Higher
                        Education (CHED) suggested Manual of Operations for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs),
                        the student manual underwent extensive evaluation and study and after several workshops and
                        discussions, the Revised Student Manual was produced. As ISCAF formally transforms into Ifugao
                        State University (IFSU), it is imperative that the student manual be revised anew to fit its acquired
                        status. Its primary purpose is to ensure that guidelines are updated and made more applicable
                        to the present and future milieu, guidelines that are crystal clear to students, staff, teachers,
                        school officials, parents and other stakeholders.

                                Like travelers, traffic laws and signals are made apparent   and accurate to enable them
                        to reach their destinations safely with a minimum of frustration or confusion.  Similarly, school
                        procedures and rules promote learning in a well-organized, safe and pleasant environment. It is
                        in  this  light  that  this  Student  Manual  containing  general  academic  and  other  important
                        information concerning the school has been improved.

                                IFSU expects that every member of its academic community shares its historic mission
                        and commitment to Ifugao, making it a haven of educated and God loving people with improved
                        quality of life.

                                It is desired that the students familiarize themselves with the content of this manual. A
                        keen appreciation of its purpose will greatly contribute to the realization of the school’s mission
                        to fully develop learners’ potentials.

                        1.1. The Department Of Student Services and Development (DSSD)

                        1.1.1. Goals and Objectives
                                  In  pursuit  of  the  development  goals,  the  Department  of  Student  Services  and
                                 Development aims to:

                     Effectively implement the Student Programs and continuously make efforts for
                                       its improvement
                   Enhance  student  capabilities  through  trainings,  symposiums,  and  seminar
                     Strengthen awareness and empower the students for increased responsibility
                                       towards equitable society.


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