Page 360 - PARAMETER D
P. 360

Part Five – Student Manual

                                                         CHAPTER 3
                                        STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES

                        3.1. Student Organizations and Activities
                                     The Student Organization and Activities Services shall be managed by the Section
                                Head, under the direct supervision of the DSSD Director.

                        3.2. Goals and Objectives
                        3.2.1.  To  enhance  the  growth  of  students  as  individuals  and  members  of  the  academic
                                community by encouraging the formation of different student clubs and organizations
                                within the University.
                        3.2.2. To complement the academic and curricular growth and development of the students
                                through various student projects and activities such as sports fests, academic festivals
                                and the like.

                        3.3. Services
                        3.3.1. Accreditation of student clubs and organizations per school year.
                        3.3.2.  Monitoring  of  projects  and  activities  of  the  different  accredited  student  clubs  and
                                organizations, the different University councils and the Student Supreme Government.
                        3.3.3.  Implementation  of  the  Rules  and  Regulations  Governing  Organized  Student  Activities
                        3.3.4. Facilitates meetings/joint activities/exchange of ideas among student organizations.
                        3.3.5. Endorsement of student requests for funding (projects, trainings and seminars) and the
                         use of
                                University facilities.
                        3.3.6. Approval for posting of promotional materials/advertisements within the campus.
                        3.3.7.  Recommendation  of  University  –  wide  activities  geared  towards  the  wholesome
                                development of the student – mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and

                        3.4. Student Clubs, Societies and Organizations
                        3.4.1.  The  University  encourages  the  establishment  of  organizations,  clubs  and  societies  in
                                accordance with its Vision, Mission and Goals
                        3.4.2. Types of Student Organizations
               Student Council/Government –This is composed of the USSG and Class Officers.
               Academic Organizations – Composed of organizations such as VLPCC and those
                                 organized student bodies within their College /Department whose members belong
                                 exclusively to the College/Department.
               Religious Organizations/Campus Ministry – Composed of groups whose main objective
                                 is towards spiritual upliftment of their members.
               Ethno-linguistic Organizations – Those whose membership comes from the same ethnic
                                 or linguistic organizations or towns emanated from.
               Sports Club – Those whose main objective is for the development and promotion of
                                 sports-related activities.


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