Page 362 - PARAMETER D
P. 362
Part Five – Student Manual
3.8.5. No activity shall be done without the presence of the Adviser; and
3.8.6. Official Recognition of Student Organization is valid only for the duration of the School
Year except when earlier withdrawn, suspended or revoked.
3.8.7. Organizations are encouraged to have at least one/two constructive activities that will
benefit IFSU constituents in particular and the community in general.
3.9. Other Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities
3.9.1. Specific Activities
All meetings, field trips, industrial visits or social functions of students held inside or
outside the campus shall have prior recommendation by the DSSD Director and approved
by duly constituted authorities.
3.9.2. Socialization Activities
Any organized accredited student group and curricular student group maybe permitted
to have socializing activities within the semester provided that such activities shall be
held when 70% of the class hours of the term or semester shall have been completed.
3.9.3. Socio-Cultural Activities
The student government and other accredited student organizations can hold a literary,
musical or socio-cultural program or debate or discussion of some public issues, provided
however, that such request shall follow the calendar of activities. Such activities shall
also be coordinated with the Section Head of the Socio-Cultural Section.
3.10. Calendar of Student Activities
All accredited student clubs and organizations and the student government shall
have to submit to the Office of Student Services and Development, an annual Calendar
of Student Activities. This Calendar of Student Activities should follow strictly the rules
pertaining to the conduct of student activities by the students. Such calendar will have
to be approved by the University President through the Office of the Vice President for
Academic Affairs as endorsed by the DSSD Director. No group of students can carry out
an activity or implement a project if it is not included in the Calendar of Activities
3.11. Use of University Premises and Facilities
3.11.1. The use of available facilities and other privilege by the student organization shall not be
discriminatory. School premises and facilities shall have prior approval from the
University President or any of his/her authorized representative through the DSSD
3.11.2. Only accredited student clubs and/or organizations are entitled to the use of all available
3.11.3. Activities to be undertaken by any organization shall be coordinated in advance.
3.11.4. The officers of the concerned student organizations shall be responsible for the damages
to school properties and facilities incurred during such student activities.
3.11.5. On the use of the School Facilities, an Activity Permit should be signed by the prospective
users that shows the commitment to maintain among others, cleanliness, orderliness,
avoidance of damages and vandalism and other factors and to assure security and
orderly conduct of the activity. The activity permit is available at the DSSD.
IFSU code