Page 366 - PARAMETER D
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Part Five – Student Manual
3.16.6. Republic Act 7079 also known as the Campus Journalism Act and the Rules and
Regulations Governing Organized Student Activities serve as the basic guidelines of the
student newspaper.
3.16.7. The student publication shall have a constitution and by-laws drafted and ratified by the
editorial board and staff members which shall be approved by the University President.
3.16.8. The student publication shall publish at least one (1) issue per semester but may increase
the number of issues depending on the availability of funds.
3.16.9. Request of utilization of funds shall be covered through a resolution signed by the officers
of the organization, its adviser and endorsed by the DSSD to the Office of the President.
3.17. Student Housing
The Student Housing Services shall be managed by the Section Head, under the
direct supervision of the DSSD Director.
3.17.1. Goals and Objectives To assist the students adjust themselves to University life by providing them with
maximum opportunities to interact with their fellow students and by putting them
close to the school facilities; and To provide and manage activities and services to inculcate good habits, attitudes,
healthy atmosphere conducive for study, social interaction and group living.
3.17.2. Services Accommodation. IFSU has dormitories to provide lodgings to students who wish to be
housed within the campus in the duration of their stay in the University. Applicants to the dormitory shall be automatically charged on a contract basis per
semester, which means that the student occupant shall pay 5 months rental per
semester. Provision on Refund. Refunds shall only be given to students who will drop. Priority is given to freshmen and students from distant places and is on a “first come,
first served” basis. Dormitory Fees are to be determined by the University Administration as per approval
of the Board of Regents. Existing student cottages within the premises of the University shall be charged with
corresponding fee per person per semester to be determined by the Administration
as per recommendation and approval to the Board of Regents. Previously
constructed cottages is nontransferrable and when occupants graduated, the
cottages are recommended for dismantling. New construction of cottages is strictly
prohibited. At least 50% of the total dormitory fees shall be allocated under the fiduciary feeds for
emergency maintenance purposes of the dormitories and housing and services unit.
3.18. Student Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Student Scholarships and Financial Assistance Services shall be managed by the
Section Head, under the direct supervision of the DSSD director.
3.18.1. Goals and Objectives
IFSU code