Page 364 - PARAMETER D
P. 364
Part Five – Student Manual
committee created for the purpose, and provided, further, that such amendments are
recommended by the DSSD Director for the approval of the Board of Regents through
the University President.
3.14. Student Government
3.14.1. University Student Supreme Government. The student government of the University shall
be officially called University Student Supreme Government (USSG). It is the highest
governing body of students. This body is created for the purpose of serving as a link
between the administration, the faculty and the students.
3.14.2. Constitution and By-Laws. The USSG shall be governed by its own Constitution and By
Laws which is drafted and ratified by the members and approved by the University
3.14.3. Function. It shall exist to serve as the link and bridge between the administration and
the student population; thus it functions for the betterment of the student population of
the University.
3.14.4. Election of Officers. Election of officers of the student government is, on the other hand,
governed by the Student Election Code which is implemented and carried out by an
independent student body, the Commission on Student Elections. The Commission on
Student Elections is tasked to oversee the orderly conduct of student elections and to
religiously carry out the rules, regulations and guidelines specified in the Election Code.
3.14.5. The projects and activities of the student government and organizations whose funds are
deposited in the University, are financed through the student trust fund- the amount of
which is determined by student government and to be approved by the University
President upon the submission of approved resolution with complete supporting
documents in consonance with the CBL of the student organization following the
government accounting procedures.
3.14.6. Membership. Membership to the student government shall be limited to the bonafide
students of the University. Every student officially enrolled in the University
automatically becomes a member of the student government.
3.14.7. All activities to be pursued/sponsored by the USSG and the different student
organizations shall be coursed through the Section Head of the Students Organizations,
DSSD Director, and finally to the Campus Director acting in behalf of the President.
3.14.8. Report of Activities. The officers of the USSG and the different student organizations are
vested with the responsibility of reporting to the student body their accomplishments for
the school year that
they had been elected to their posts. Likewise, they are required to report to the student
body their financial standing with regard to the use of the Student Trust Fund, one
month before the end of
the school year.
3.14.9. Accomplishment Report. The USSG and the different University councils are required to
submit to the DSSD Director an accomplishment report which will be posted on bulletin
boards for the information of the entire student body.
3.14.10. Financial Report. A financial report is likewise required from the USSG and other student
organizations. This will have to be reported by the Treasurer, audited by the Auditor
and noted by the President. This same financial report will have to be posted on
bulletin boards within the campus for the information of the entire student body.
3.14.11. Deadline for Submission of Reports. The USSG and the student organizations are
required to submit the reports a month before the end of the school year.
IFSU code