Page 365 - PARAMETER D
P. 365
Part Five – Student Manual
3.14.12. Certificate of Clearance. An officer of the USSG or the student organizations, graduating
or nongraduating, will not be granted a Certificate of Clearance by the DSSD Director
if the accomplishment and financial reports have not yet been duly submitted a month
before the end of the school year.
3.14.13. Financial Accountability. Only the President, Treasurer and Auditor of the student
government, club or organization shall be held liable to the University administration
and student body with regard to the required financial report to be submitted one
month before the end of the school year. In the same manner, all other persons who
are proven to be directly involved in the handling of the finances of the student
government, club or organizations are also to be held liable. No Certificate of
Clearance shall be issued to the accountable officers and persons unless the required
report has been duly submitted.
3.14.14. Request of utilization of funds shall be covered through a resolution signed by the
officers of the
organization, its adviser and endorsed by the DSSD to the Office of the President. In
no case shall the funds of students be disbursed without such resolution. (Refer to
3.15. Federation of Student Councils
3.15.1. All elected student government officers of the different campuses of the University shall
confederate and shall form the USSG Federation.
3.15.2. The President of the federation shall sit as the Student Regent in the Board of Regents
of the University.
3.15.3. This federation shall exist to serve the purpose of unifying all efforts of the university
system student governments in addressing the needs of the student population through
a representation in the Board of Regents.
3.15.4. Qualifications of USSG Federation President.(He/She must): Be a third or fourth year student enrolled in any four-year and with good moral
character in the University; Have a grade with a general weighted average of not less than 85% in the previous
semester as certified by the University Registrar; Have no failing grades since entry to the University; Must be physically and mentally fit as certified by the School Physician; and Must have experience in executive leadership and parliamentary procedures.
3.16. Student Publication
The Student Publication Services shall be managed by the Section Head, under the direct
supervision of the DSSD Director.
3.16.1. There shall be an official student newsletter of the University and its campuses.
3.16.2. There shall be an official student research journal of the University and its campuses.
3.16.3. The DSSD through the publication adviser provides administrative and technical support
to the official student newspaper.
3.16.4. The qualification and manner of selecting the editorial board and staff members of the
paper shall be determined through a comprehensive screening by the designated
Selection Committee.
3.16.5. The publication obtains its finances from the student population through the newsletter
fee, the amount of which is fixed and determined by the Board of Regents.
IFSU code