Page 358 - PARAMETER D
P. 358

Part Five – Student Manual

                                                         CHAPTER 2
                                                COMPONENTS OF THE DSSD

                        2.1. Guidance and Counseling Center
                                 The Guidance Counseling Services shall be managed by the Section Head, under the
                                direct supervision of the DSSD Director.

                        2.2.   Goals and Objectives
                        2.2.1. To provide opportunities for the students and to assist them in dealing with themselves,
                                their adjustment to student life and on how they relate with fellow students and other
                        2.2.2. To initiate and maintain close working relationship with management, Guidance Liaison
                                Officers, Student-Peer Facilitators, school personnel and staff, parents and community
                                for program improvement and student welfare.
                        2.2.3.  To  initiate  and  maintain  linkages  with  other  agencies  and/or  other  institutions  for
                                educational, occupational and related needs of students.

                        2.3.   Guidance Services
                        2.3.1. Individual Inventory Service – The center gathers relevant information about the students
                                through personal  data  inventory  forms,  interview  techniques,  testing  and  counseling
                                procedures that are very useful during counseling and interview sessions.
                        2.3.2. Information and Orientation Services – The center shall enhance the awareness of the
                                students on personal, social development, academic and work related concerns through
                                relevant information drives and orientation procedures.
                        2.3.3.  Counseling  Service  -  The  office  conducts  counseling  sessions  to  assist  the  student
                                understand himself, plan, make his own decisions and cope with his problems through
                                individual and group counseling, peer counseling, follow-up and home visitation.
                        2.3.4. Testing Service – The center shall assist students to become aware of their potentials,
                                interests, values, attitudes and intellectual capabilities through available psychological
                                testing materials.
                        2.3.5. Career Development and Placement Services – The center shall enable students become
                                aware of opportunities relative to their career and vocational interests through career
                                seminars, job fairs and other career related activities.
                        2.3.6. Follow-up Service – The center shall follow-up and shall monitor the presently enrolled
                                students  including  the  academic  formation  of  school  leavers  relative  to  the  different
                                student services.
                        2.3.7. Referral Service – The center shall accept referrals and shall refer students with cases
                                beyond the expertise of the center to appropriate specialist and helping agencies.
                        2.3.8. Guidance Extension Services – The center shall extend noble services to other communities
                                and other schools through outreach activities, gift-giving and conduct of seminars and
                        2.3.9. Research and Evaluation – The center shall determine and evaluate the progress of the
                                different student services and shall determine the needs, problems, academic difficulties
                                and other concerns of the students.

                        2.4.   Other Guidance Services
                        2.4.1. Student Admission

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