P. 50

Part 1- Administrative Manual

     Income/Collections from Tuition and Other Miscellaneous Fees and Net Income from IGP
      All collections from Tuition and other fees shall be treated as Special Trust Funds and shall
                           be deposited to a government depository bank under said fund;
      The University is likewise authorized under Letter of Instruction Nos. 872 and 1026 to retain
                           as Revolving Fund income from food production and income generating projects;
      All collections from IGPs shall likewise be deposited to government depository banks under
                           the revolving fund accounts;
      The campuses are required to remit their collections from tuition and other fees to the Main
                           Campus within 5 working days every after end of the month.
      Net  income  realized  from  operations  of  Income  Generating  Projects  shall  likewise  be
                           deposited to the depository bank not later than the end of January of the ensuing year.
      As  the  need  arises,  IGP  Board  of  Management  (BOM)  shall  convene  to  prepare  a  special
                           budget  out  of  the  income  deposited  from  the  different  projects  as  certified  by  the  Chief
                           Accountant for recommendation to the BOR.

             4.3.6. Fund Releases

                           To facilitate effective management in the transfer of allotments to the different campuses,
                    the following policy guidelines shall apply:

       The accounting and budget offices of the University shall inform the various campuses/ units of
                       the University the allowable budget they are to operate in;
       Each campus/ department/ university/ unit shall prepare their financial plan which shall be the
                       basis for the monthly/quarterly release of their respective funds;
       Monthly cash advances  to  the campuses shall  continue  to be released by the Main campus on
                       the basis of their actual needs and subject to the available Notice of Cash Allocation issued by the
                       Department of Budget and Management;
       The policy on “No report, no release” shall be strictly adhered to in the release of cash Advances
                       (except  Lagawe  Campus)  to  the  different  campuses  which  will  serve  as  the  basis  for  the
                       succeeding monthly release;
       No succeeding cash advance will be allowed without liquidation of previous cash advance. This is
                       true to other University personnel who have acquired cash advances; and
       The  following  guidelines  shall  be  maintained  in  the  issuance  of  allotments  to  the  different

                        Program/Project                           Criteria

                 General Administration   1.   Number of personnel
                                   and Support Services
                                                             2.   Physical facilities both
                                                                  buildings and equipment
                                                             3.   Activities of the unit

                 Higher Education        1.   Enrollment
                                                             2.   Number of programs offered
                                                             3.   Programs scheduled for  accreditation
                                                             4.   Number of Scholars
                                                             5.   Textbook requirements
                                                             6.   Physical facilities & equipment

                Research & Development   1.   Number of personnel
                                    Services                 2.   Number of papers presented and published

                                                          IFSU Code
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55