P. 46
Part 1- Administrative Manual All requests for storage of non-current records submitted by units of the agency shall reflect
information containing a brief description of the record series turned over, and inclusive dates
covered by the record and volume; The University observes standard procedure in disposing of records: The University shall prepare an inventory of its records holding in the prescribed form as an
initial step in developing the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) and for whatever purpose
it may deem necessary; The University shall observe the General Disposition Records Schedules in determining the
disposal of its valueless records; Before any record shall be disposed of, the Records Officer itemizes those records subject
for disposal and refer them to the Committee on Records Disposal; The Committee on Records Disposal shall appraise and examine the disposable records of
the University and recommend the manner or method of disposal, such as by burning or
direct sale or shredding before sale in the prescribed form; The Records Officer who is in custody of the records holding shall be responsible for the
safekeeping of the valueless records until their disposal is authorized The Records Management and Archives Office (RMAO) together with representatives from
top management and COA may reappraise and reexamine records for disposal as the need
arises; To safeguard the sanctity of the records and to check that records to be disposed off are of
the same records which were appraised and examined and that no insertions had been
done, the actual disposal of records shall be witnessed by a representative of the University,
the RMAO and COA; A Certificate of Disposal shall be prepared in triplicate by the University and witnessed by
the representatives of the COA, RMAO and the owning agency upon the delivery of the
disposable records to the paper mills or warehouse of the winning bidder; The Certificate shall indicate the nature of the records, the manner, place and date of
disposal and their approximate volume in cubic meters and weight; The original copy goes to the University, a copy for RMAO and a copy for the COA; All proceeds realized from the sale of disposed valueless records should be remitted to
University Funds; The University shall determine when to have its file breaks. File breaks are generally set
during the slack periods of filing and servicing. A file break may be set at the end of the
fiscal year or calendar year; and Records shall be disposed off periodically, usually once a year, soon after a file break. Reference Service: Reference service is a process by which non-current records stored in the record storage center
are made available to office personnel, government agencies and the public in general. While
non-current records which are in temporary storage in the records center, can be referred to as
needed; Reference service in the record storage center should be made in accordance with the approved
procedures to avoid loss or misplacement of records. Significant aspects to consider which may
serve as guide are as follows: The office should designate personnel for all contacts with the record storage center. This
pinpoints responsibility and clarifies accountability; Priority in the request for non-current records should be given to those coming from
government agencies; Other requests should be attended to on a “first come, first served” basis; Ample allowances for time to service records needed should be considered; and Proper accomplishment of a reference service request slip and prompt return of borrowed
records at the prescribed period after use should be observed.