P. 44

Part 1- Administrative Manual

                                                       CHAPTER 4
                                     ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES

             4.1.   Service Units Functional Chart (Sample)

                                                     University President

                                                    VP – Admin and Finance

                              Director, Dept. of                            Director, Dept. of Finance
                            Administrative Services                                Services

                  Head, Records   Head,       Head, Supply     Head, Budget   Head, Accounting   Head, Cash
                  Section      Administrative   Section          Section         Section        Section


             4.2.  Department of Administrative Services
                           This office is headed by the Director for Administrative Services of the University. Its basic
                  functions are: 1) Assist the University President and  other officials implement the policies, rules and
                  regulations promulgated by the University, Civil Service Commission, Commission on Higher Education,
                  and other general laws governing the University on administrative functions; 2) Assist the University
                  officials  to  plan  and  coordinate  administrative  functions;  and  3)  Directly  supervise  the  following
                  offices: Records Section, Administrative Section and Supply Section.

             4.2.1. Records Section

                         It is the policy of the University to strictly adhere to the efficient, effective and economical
                  implementation of the records management program as it is a vital tool for the provision of accurate
                  and timely information whenever and wherever it is needed in the University system. The office in-
                  charge of records management is the records section headed by the Records Officer III or Section
                  Head (if by designation).

     Records Creation:
     It  is  the  phase  of  the  organizational  operations  where  exchange  of  written  communications
                       between two sources occurs, thereby starting the life cycle of the record.  This may be in the
                       form  of  either:  1)  incoming  communications  coming  from  outside  the  office;  or  2)  outgoing
                       and/or intra-department communications originating from the office.
     Records are generally grouped into four (4) kinds:
      -Correspondence (Plain letters, Endorsements);
      -Administrative  Issuances    (Executive  Orders,  Administrative  Orders,  Proclamations,  Intra-
                           Office  Circulars  like  Office  Circulars,  General  Circulars,  Memorandum  Circulars,  Office
                           Memorandum, Office Orders, Bulletins, Manuals, Handbooks, Special Orders, Travel Orders);
      -Reports (Special, narrative, inspection, investigation, statistical, etc.);
      -Forms (Information sheets, service record, employment application, etc.); and
     Other kinds of records such as legal opinions, research studies, minutes, etc. may be created.

     Records Maintenance:

                                                          IFSU Code
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