P. 43
Part 1- Administrative Manual
Table 1. RATA Rates for IFSU Officials
IFSU Positions/ Designations Equivalent Position in the Monthly Rate
Bureaucracy for each type*
President (SUC President III, SG 29) Department Assistant Secretaries 7,800.00
Vice Presidents (SUC VP III, SG 26) Dept. Asst. Regional Directors 6,300.00
Directors/ Deans (if qualified) Chiefs of Divisions 4,000.00
Thus, the IFSU President is entitled to a combined RATA of P15,600.00 (7,800 x 2) every
month. Other officials similarly follow.
*The RATA of IFSU Officials will follow any adjustments in the RATA of their equivalent
officials/ positions in the bureaucracy as issued by proper authorities.
3.3.4. Alternative to RATA – Incentives for officials not qualified to receive RATA
Following the provisions of NBC 404, s. 1989, not all IFSU Designated Officials are
immediately entitled to RATA. However, considering the important role they play in the development
of the university and their need for similar allowance in order to perform their functions well, an
alternative to RATA is hereby provided in the form of Incentive for designated officials with the
ranks of Campus Directors, Deans and Department Directors who are not yet entitled to RATA. The
rates are shown in the table below:
Table 2. Incentives of Designated Officials who are not entitled for RATA
IFSU Positions/ Designations Equivalent Position in the Monthly
Bureaucracy Incentive*
Campus Directors (Heads of Campuses) With campus annual income of
≥1,000,000.00 6,000.00
≤999,000.00 3,000.00
Dean, College of Health Sciences Chargeable to the College’ share 6,000.00
from RLE funds
Deans/ Directors Not qualified to receive RATA 3,000.00
*The incentive may increase following any corresponding increase in the RATA of officials as
prescribed by the National Government subject to the availability of funds.
3.3.5. Sources of Funds
The aforecited circulars together with salient provisions of RA 9720 and RA 8192 states the
following funding sources, to wit: For RATA – From appropriations in the annual budget of the university as stated in the General
Appropriations Act, against MOOE Savings or from Income of the university. For Incentives – From income of the university.