P. 47
Part 1- Administrative Manual
4.2.2. Supply Section
The supply section is the overall in-charge of the university properties from procurement,
release and or stocking of supplies, materials and equipments. In general, it shall follow all expected
functions of the supply office as expressed by existing government laws, rules, regulation and
guidelines and the job description of the personnel hired to man the supply section.
Among the functions that the section shall perform university are the following: Procurement of needed supplies, materials and equipments. It shall take charge in the
procurement of needed supplies, materials and equipments in support of the operations of the
university or its units. Procurement follows the following general procedure as shown in the
table below:
Table 3. General Procedures on Procurement
Steps Description Signatories Responsible Office/
Purchase Request Basic request of needs. Specs should be Requesitioner Requesitioner
clear President (office/Officer)
Canvass Canvass at least 3 suppliers for lowest price President BAC Secretariat/
& best quality Suppliers Supply Office/
Supply Officer
Abstract of BAC opens canvass & declares supplier with BAC Chairman & BAC & BAC
canvass lowest price and best quality Members Secretariat
Preparation & Preparation & delivery of purchase order/s Preparer Supply Office/
Delivery of (Pos). Accountant Supply Officers
Purchase Order President
Receipt & Inspect and receive deliveries of procured Supply officer Internal Auditor/
inspection of Internal Auditor Supply Office
Storage Supplies are stored safely to be released Requesitioner Supply office/
only when the need arises Supply Chief Supply Officers
Payment of Preparation of voucher and release of Accountant, Supply section
Ordered Supplies payment to suppliers Cashier, President Accounting & Cash
Inventory and Procured supplies shall be inventoried and Requesitioner/ user Supply
release of released to requesitioner thru MR Supply officer Office/Supply
supplies Officers
Recall of unused/ All unused or re-usable supplies/ Supply Office
re-usable equipments after the intended use lapsed
equipments after shall be recalled and properly inventoried
use especially during annual clearance
Note: MR – Memorandum Receipt Stocking of supplies, materials and equipments: The supply section is responsible in stocking procured supplies for safekeeping if they are not
to be used yet; The supply section must schedule the release of procured supplies/ materials/ equipments to
intended users for the interest of the university; The supply section is responsible for the recall of unused or re-usable supplies, materials and
equipments from employees/ users after the intended use period had lapsed. Inventory of university properties - The supply section must undertake regular inventory of
university properties, recall properties not being used anymore by receivers/ users, identify