Page 2 - DIVA_2_2020
P. 2

Opening of a
 COVID-19 screening   Sommaire
 centre in Geneva


                       5	 Businessman’s Blues:	The	Blame	Game

                       6	 Entretien, Jean	Fabre

                       9  Interview with Ambassador	Elchin	Amirbayov
                           Assistant to the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan

                       16	 Of	leadership	and	anniversaries

                       18	 Interview	with	Mr.	Rabih	El-Haddad
                           the Director of the Division for Multilateral Diplomacy at the United Nations Institute
                           for Training and Research (UNITAR)

                       22	 Interview	with	His	Excellency	Lansana	Gberie
                           Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the United Nations Office at Geneva

                       26	 RENTIMO	SA,	Rey	hôtels	&	residences

                       28	 In	Conversation	with	Mufid	Sukkar


 DO YOU NEED A BLOOD TEST ?  34	 Voyage sur les traces de George	Orwell	en	Birmanie

 Our blood extraction centers welcome you warmfully in Geneva & Nyon
                       38	 Jean	Claude	Pallas
 Dianalabs Arve  Dianalabs Pont-Rouge     The Guardian of the Palais des Nations
 Dianalabs Pont-Rouge
 Place de Pont-Rouge 6
 Rue de la Colline 6  Place de Pont-Rouge 6  Opening on 2 November 2020
 1205 Genève  1212 Grand Lancy
 Tel 022 807 12 40  Tel 022 807 12 40  41	 «	Bocage	est	un	délice	»
 Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h30-12h
 Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h30-17h  Sa: 8h-11h  Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h30-12h
 Dianalabs Servette  Dianalabs Champel  44	 Interview	with	Peggy	Hinaekian
 Rue Louis-Favre 15  Chemin De-Normandie 14 - 2 ème  étage immeuble «Cargill»
 1201 Genève  1206 Genève  46	 Une	collection	révélée!
 Tel 022 807 12 40  Tel 022 807 12 40
 Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h-12h  13h30-16h30  Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h30-12h     L’art des Nations Unies s’expose en Ville de Geneve

 Dianalabs Hôpital de la Tour  Dianalabs Vernier
 Avenue Jacob-Daniel Maillard 3  ARCenter (Niv. Migros) - Route de Montfleury 3
 1217 Meyrin  1214 Vernier
 Tel 022 807 12 40  Tel 022 807 12 40
 Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h-18h  Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 8h-10h30
 COVID-19   Dianalabs Villereuse  Polyanalytic Nyon
 screening centre  Carrefour Villereuse 2  Rue Saint-Jean 12
 1207 Genève  1260 Nyon
 Tel 022 807 12 40  Tel 021 804 92 81
 Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h-17h  Opening hours: Mo-Fr: 7h30-11h30  Sa: 8h-9h15

 Fisca 10/2020 - Fotos: Fotolia  I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA

 D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT
 Dianalabs & Polyanalytic are member of Medisupport network partner of the International Organisations

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