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Editorial                                                                                                                                                                                        B u s i n e s s m a n’s   B l u e s

                                                                                                                                      The Blame Game

            The	older	you	get…
                                                                                                                                      Many years ago, I worked for a major UK retailer in the Research   to draw on.  So, these teams made decisions on the best available
            “The  older  you  get,  the  quicker  the  Forty-one  years  later,  we  have  now                                        and  Development  division  of  the  company  implementing  new   evidence  at  the  time.    It  comes  as  no  surprise  that  some  of  the
            years  pass  by,”  my  colleague  observed  seen  the  breakdown  of  the  former                                         technology from loyalty cards, to logistics, automated checkouts and   decisions were spot on while others were inadequate, untimely, or
            the  other  day.  “Did  you  know  that,  communist  states,  the  emergence  of                                          a variety of other innovative ideas.  They had 5 stores throughout the   wrong.
            according  to  some  contemporary  new  independent  states,  a  couple  of                                               UK, branded differently from the mother company and were open
            historians,  the  most  important  year  financial  crises,  the  disappearance                                           to the bemused public to shop in those stores as though they were   Being lockdown for days and weeks with little or nothing to do, and
            in  the  twentieth  century  was  1979?  I  of  former  Marxists  and  Communist                                          normal stores.  This division was set up as a separate legal entity and   with the help of many data sources, including social media, we resorted
            presume that was before 2020 and the  ideologies  replaced  by  neo-liberalism                                            in addition to field testing innovative retail ideas, they attempted to   to accumulating superficial knowledge on the pandemic subject.  We
            Covid19  that  knocked  out  the  whole  and  extreme  consumerism  leading  to                                           make a profit, or at the very least, break even.  formed  our  individual  views  and  validated  these  views  with  like-
            world for quite some time. Generations  global  economic  crises,  social  unrest,                                                                                        minded  friends  and  relatives  to  fortify  our  opinions.    We  became
            after  us  will  definitely  be  curious  to  devastating  wars  and  huge  refugee                                       I worked there for about three years and largely enjoyed the experience   armchair critics of the government and the team that was actually
            know  what  it  was  like  to  live  under  problems.  Geopolitics  and  economic                                         and eventually moved on when I had a better and more interesting   fighting the pandemic.  We ignored all the decisions and actions taken
            these conditions.               interests  now  take  precedence  over   television ads, making people aware that         opportunity elsewhere.  I gained a great deal of experience with the   and proved to be adequate and focused on those decisions and actions
                                            everything  else. We  have  seen  the   we do not have to possess everything;             R&D division, not least of which was managing complex projects.    that seemed ‘inadequate, untimely, or plain wrong’ and pronounced
            “Going back to 1979, I do remember   terrible  disasters  in  Syria,  in  Iraq,  in   it’s possible to rent. Every day we see on                                          those who took such decisions to be negligent, incompetent, or both.
            that  year  well  and  it  seems  like   Libya… just to mention a few.  television,  through  their  ads,  that  big      My first project was a resounding failure but, the company persevered   We could have told them it wouldn’t work!
            yesterday,”  he  continued.  “It  was  the                       companies are moving in this direction                   with me and I felt duty-bound to try again and improve my project
            year  of  the  Iranian  revolution;  the  However, nothing we have seen up to   too.                                      management  skills  to  help  deliver  another  piece  of  this  gigantic   This wouldn’t be so bad if it was confined to us, the masses or the
            overthrow  of  the  Shah  of  Iran;  the  date can beat the Covid19 pandemic I                                            jigsaw puzzle.  One fundamental lesson I learnt was to deal with   silent majority, as we are often referred to.  Deep down, we know
            end of the Sino-Vietnamese War; the  would say. Since March 2020 when the   People  of  all  ages  have  now  become      project risks / issues, regardless of who was to blame for the situation   those in authority mean well, the establishment does its best for all
            independence  of  Malta;  Greenland  whole of our modern society was turned   climate  activists,  and  were  up  to  the   in hand.  Analysis of what went wrong or right was left after the   and as human beings, they are bound to make mistakes every now
            granted  limited  autonomy  from  upside  down,  we  have  become  more   emergence of COVID, fighting against            conclusion of the project where a post-mortem would be conducted   and again. Besides, if we have a collective view, we are not afraid to
            Denmark; and the opening up between  and  more  a  digital  society,  where  we   plastic and all types of litter. They walk,   with participation of most, if not all, stakeholders. It was the job of   express our displeasure overtly and exercise our democratic vote at
            the  United  States  and  China – just  to  are under constant surveillance owing   they cycle, they recycle, and they try to   the project manager to ensure such a process took place at the end of   election time.
            mention some of the most important  to  the  Covid19  pandemic.  It  sounds   reduce  their  consumption  as  much  as    the project and resist fracturing the unity / team spirit of the project
            events  on  the  international  scene  terrible, but it’s reality unfortunately.  possible.  It  has  even  become  possible   by allowing finger pointing during the lifetime of the project.  The problem is with those who are in semi-responsible positions
            marking our time.”                                               to  recycle  one’s  clothes  and  furniture.                                                             like experts, commentators and media types who are not part of the
                                            However,  we  have  also  seen  some   Therefore,  we  are  definitely  seeing
            1979 was also the year that Pope John  positive  trends  such  as   the  emerging   the  emergence  of  new  orientations  in   I  was  committed  to  this  concept  and  carried  with  me  for  the   team dealing with the pandemic.  They form views and cannot wait
            Paul  II  arrived  in  his  native  country,  of  collective  conciousness  about  the   society,  with,  we  hope,  more  social   remainder  of  my  career,  aiming  to  deliver  the  project  objectives   to express them through their media or cloaked in their academic
            Poland, on his first official visit. It was  disastrous state of our planet. “Although   justice and solidarity.          within the stipulated parameters of time / budget / scope of work.     qualifications.  They pronounce the work being done as not good
            an  event  that  is  now  considered  “the  some  politicians  say  that  there  is  no                                   I remain a firm believer in this principle and advocate it at every   enough, or timely enough, or goes far enough, or is too much, too
            nine  days  that  changed  the  world”  planetary  warming,  the  people  are   So,  on  these  rather  positive  notes,   opportunity.                                   soon, and so on.
            and  that  brought  about  the  solidarity  starting to act like responsible citizens,   despite  confinement,  social  distancing
            movement of the Polish people in their  and they are acting, make no mistake   and a tricky virus floating in the air, we   It  is  important  to  stress  that  continuous  review  of  progress,  risk   They form a constant cloud over daylight, permanent din over the
            opposition  to  the  regime  that   Stalin  about it,” my colleague continued.  wish  you  all  a  very  pleasant  day.  Stay   exposure and resolution of unexpected issues were always kept in focus   music, drip-drip of toxic liquid on the road to recovery and in the
            had  bequeathed  them.  Who  does  not                           healthy and safe!                                        in order to ensure stumbles along the way are dealt with effectively,   process, undermine our collective hopes and prayers for deliverance
            remember Lech Walesa and the Gdansk   We  see  more  and  more  examples  of                                              without dissipating too much energy and focus, by identifying the   from our predicament. They wait for every opportunity to shout out:
            shipyard where it all started?  circular-economy-driven  concepts  in                                                     person(s) that may have caused the problem in the first place.  The   I TOLD YOU SO!
                                                                                                                                      exception being if someone is so obviously and clearly not doing
                                                                                                                                      their job or are collectively believed to be a disruptive element, then   This is not a new phenomenon.  As a project manager, I have had
                                                                                                                                      action must be taken to out-place them from the project.  However,   characters like this standing on the edge of the project whispering
                                                                                                                                      this is an exception rather than the rule.      into their own hands where things are going wrong and who is to
                                                                                                                                                                                      blame.  Should the project prove to be a success, they melt away with
            The views expressed are the      Mailing address:                Editor: Marit Fosse                                      Most,  if  not  all  of  us,  have  experienced  the  2020  Coronavirus   words trailing behind them to the effect ‘they were lucky to get away
            responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Sanjay Acharya                         pandemic.  We all felt its destruction and disruptive effects on our   with it’.  If however, the project should fail, irrespective of the reasons,
                                                                                                                                                                                      they are there with rooster-like puffed up chests, reminding anyone
                                                                                                                                      societies, with varying degrees of intensity of damage.  On the whole,
            not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1                                                                 most governments set out to deal with the pandemic in ways that best   willing to listen, that they told us so!
            of DIVA                          Palais des Nations              Graphic Design: Iris Hariz                               suited their circumstances and made judgments based on scientific
            ®                                1211 Geneva 10                  Contributing to this issue:                              and  medical  advice  they  received  from  their  experts,  taking  into   So,  if  you  are  one  of  those  ‘malcontents’,  please  stop  it;  you  are
                                             Tel: +41 22 917 43 01
            DIVA International is a publication of                           Mufid Sukkar, Sanjay Acharya,  a v id ,                  account the degree of acceptance by their own societies of restrictive   subtracting value from the total sum of an organisation’s strength.
                                                                                                                                                                                      You don’t even have to step up and volunteer to help but, it would be
                                                                                                                                      measures they could apply to halt the spread of the virus.
                                                                                                   n D
                                                                             Evelina Rioukhina, Christian David,
            Graficim Media Ltd               E-mail:                         Ekaterina Pinchevskaya, Ita Marguet,                                                                     nice if you did.
            29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Robert J. Parsons, Jean-Michel Wissmer,                  A  government  would  assemble  a  team  of  politicians,  experts  and
            WC2A3EE, England                                                                                                          implementers to review the situation on daily if not hourly basis and   If you are a person in a position of authority and it falls to you to guide
                                                                             Jean-Claude Pallas, David Chikvaidze,
                                                                             Pierre-Michel Virot, Marit Fosse,                        come up with appropriate measures as the situation continued to   and protect the project, watch out for those toxic characters and shoo
            ISSN: 1660-1934                                                                                                           deteriorate or improve.  Given the last pandemic was the Spanish   them away; you will be doing your organisation a great favour.
                                                                             Muriel Scibilia, Jean Fabre
                                                                                                                                      Flu some 90 years ago, the World had little or no practical experience             Mufid Sukkar




                                                                        D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT       I N I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA


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