Page 3 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 3
"Diva International
3 In memory of Ambassador Yuli Vorontsov,
Special Envoy of the United Nations,
Secretary-General for CIS and former First-
Deputy Foreign-Minister of the USSR
4 Disarmament. Non-proliferation.
Negotiations. Treaties
6 Interview with Sergio de Queiroz Duarte,
High Representative for Disarmament Affairs
8 Interview with Patricia Lewis,
Director of the United Nations Institute for
Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
12 Interview avec Son Excellence
M. Samir Labidi, Ambassadeur de la Tunisie
auprgs des Nations Unies a Geneve et
President de la Conference du Desarmement
16 Interview with Her Excellency Christina
Rocca, Ambassador of the United States at
the Conference on Disarmament
18 Le D6sarmement aujourd'hui, par Son
Excellence M. Franciscos Verros, Ambassadeur
et Representant permanent de la Grece
21 Interview with Peter Schmitz, ChieT oT Staff
United Nations Mission in Haiti
25 Peace building through trade in Afghanistan -
a World Trade Centre Association project
26 Ukraine - nouveau membre de l'Organisation
mondiale de commerce (OMC)
28 Interview with Mr. Hassine Helrni,
Director General of Tunisair in Switzerland
30 International University in Geneva
selected among the top ten business
schools in Switzerland
31 From Berbers to Bach! A Morocco-Bound
First Ever: Conference on the Circulation of
33 Premier prix mondial d'architecture...
une ids:e qui date de 3500 ans
Geneva International llillOUt OI
34 Les PoMes de la Cit6
36 Nouveau chef d'aiuvre de Miquel Barcel6
pour la salle XX des Nations Unies A Geneve
38 El derecho humano a la paz
39 Le r61e crucial des universit6s au 2lesi6cle
40 Ita's world
41 Le coin de l'6ducation
42 Hayward Beywood Column
44 des Arts et des Hommes
45 La cuisine autour du monde
46 Toxic! Book review by Andrew Pickens
47 Nyaradzai Gumbonzvanda, secr6taire
g6n6rale de la YWCA-Mondiale
12008 Diva 1
48 Ambassadress
wwwdvanternatona ch