Page 6 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 6
Disarmament. Non-proliferation.
Negotiations. Treaties
These treaties have served
the international community
well, and have strengthened
the efforts of the internatio-
nal community to address the
core issue that affects all of
us each day: our security and
the security of our children.
The CD, which is not a
United Nations body but
operates with United Nations
resources, truly has an
ambitious mandate. It has the
mandate to address any
Disarmament. on
multilateral arms control or
proliferation. Negotiations. Disarmament of the United
disarmament issue, from
Treaties. These are words Nations in 1978, and
nuclear weapons to chemical
that matter. These are words succeeded other Geneva-
weapons, from weapons in
that affect our lives. These based negotiating fora. The
space to nuclear weapons
are words that drive the work CD and its predecessors have free zones, from negative
of the Conference on an impressive record of
security assurances to
Disarmament, the world's accomplishment, having
nuclear disarmament. That is
sole multilateral forum to negotiated such important
the impressive and ambitious
negotiate arms control trea- treaties as the Treaty for the
scope of the CD's agenda.
ties, and it is located right Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
here in Geneva. Weapons (NPT), the
Today, the CD is grappling
with achieving a mandate to
Convention, the Biological
The begin substantive discus-
Disarmament, or more Weapons Convention, and
sions on some core issues.
informally referred to as the the Comprehensive Test Ban
And it has been debating a
"CD," was established by a Treaty.
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