Page 7 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 7

                                    He said: "The international
          mandate 		                                         tum. I urge you to build on   disarmament in Geneva
          negotiations on a Fissile   community values the   this progress."         have shared with us. The
          Material Cut-Off Treaty   Conference on Disarma-                           CD is a Geneva organiza-
          (FMCT) for years. Last    ment as the worldc single   Despite the challenges   tion, and these issues are
          year it almost reached that   multilateral disarmament   faced in the CD, there has   dealt with here, at the
          elusive goal, but a small   negotiating forum - but we   been considerable progress   Palais des Nations. What
          handful of the CD's  65   need progress. We need   in the field of disarmament   the CD does, or can do,
          members still had concerns,   progress because concerted   and non-proliferation over   affects all of us, so we
          and the world was left    disarmament will forestall   the past decade. From small   better pay attention.
          waiting another year for the   arms races. And forestal-  arms to land mines, from
          body to begin negotiations   ling arms races calms ten-  chemical weapons to                  D.K
          on a multilateral arms    sions. By reducing tensions,   nuclear weapons, arms are
          control treaty in the new   we free up resources that   being increasingly moni-
          century.                  would have been diverted   tored and controlled, and
                                    to armaments. These      more measures are in
          Highlighting the importan-  resources can then be used   place to protect the world
          ce of the CD and the issues   to achieve the Millennium   from itself. The CD is
          it addresses, UN Secretary   Development Goals."   tasked to move this
          General Ban Ki-moon                                agenda forward, and it
          personally came to Geneva   He concluded by saying,   seeks to do so by building
          January 23 to officially   "You have great potential to   consensus among nation
          inaugurate its 2008 session.   move forward this year The   states to address issues of
          The Secretary General     level of engagement in the   most importance.
          went out of his way to urge   Conference
          the CD to make 2008 what   Disarmament since 2006   The interviews that follow
          he hoped would be a       has been promising. The   shed light on some of the
          "break-though year."      General Assembly has     key issues that leading
                                    noted your positive momen-   players in the field of

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