Page 6 - DIVA_3_2022
P. 6

“i have tried to

                                                                             promote the value and

                                                                             virtues of diplomacy,

                                                                             dialogue, prevention

                                                                             and international

                                                                             cooperation in my

                                                                             professional work.”

                                                                             Interview with
                                                                             Jan eliasson

                                                                             former Deputy
                                                                             Secretary General of the

                                                                             United Nations

                                      He  does  not  really  need  an  introduction,  of this year they were published in Sweden,
                                      His Excellency Jan Eliasson, for most people  his home country. We were grateful to get a
                                      recognize his name, or have seen his face on  copy of his book, and he kindly answered our
                                      TV.  Despite  advancing  age,  Jan  Eliasson  is  questions.
                                      considered one of the world’s top diplomats,
                                      and  he  is  still  actively  taking  part  in  world  You have had a long and outstanding career
                                      affairs, even if to a lesser extent than earlier.  both nationally in Sweden and internationally.
                                      He  just  stepped  down  after  five  years  as  How do you see the world today?
                                      the chair  of  the  governing  board  of  the  I  find  today’s  world  troubled  and  troubling.
                                      Stockholm  International  Peace  Research  The  brutal  war  against  Ukraine  is  a  dark
                                      Institute (SIPRI).                     cloud  over  all  of  us  with  dire  consequences
                                                                             around the world. The climate crisis discloses
                                      He is a faithful friend of Diva, who over the  dramatically   the   imbalance   between
                                      years has had the kindness and generosity to  Humankind  and  Nature.  Human  rights  and
                                      grant us interviews and has given us a chance to  democracy face an uphill battle. It is time to
                                      follow his career. During the recent pandemic,  mobilize all good forces to turn the tide on all
                                      he started work on his memoirs, and by May  these fronts.

                                                                                  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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