Page 7 - DIVA_3_2022
P. 7
You have just published your memoirs in
Swedish. Those who know little about your
career all of a sudden realize that you have
been an important actor in shaping European
history. What do you consider your main
I am proud to have worked both on the
national, European and global level on issues
related to peace, development, democracy and
human rights. I was happy to contribute to
Sweden’s entry into the EU in 1995. Generally,
I have tried to promote the value and virtues
of diplomacy, dialogue, prevention and
international cooperation in my professional
You have been a diplomat, humanitarian,
peace negotiator, minister of foreign affairs
and Deputy Secretary-General of the United
Nations. Which among your different
assignments is the one closest to your heart
and why?
Apart from what you mentioned, I was the end, it is the people who pay the price for
President of the United Nations General war and destruction. Here the United Nations
Assembly in 2005-20O6. To be elected to and and its agencies play a key role in alleviating
to serve as head of this body was a particular the suffering. We must continue to strengthen
honor and privilege. The Human Rights multilateralism and international solidarity.
Council and the Peacebuilding Commission The most important word in today’s world is
were created during this time. the word “together”.
Today we see that the United Nations is failing Finally, looking back on your own experience,
to deliver, and that multilateralism is at stake. what advice would you give to young people
What went wrong? today in this troubled and troubling world?
The main problem for the United Nations is My advice to young people is to study,
the mistrust and lack of unity among the major accumulate knowledge and use their talents to
powers in the world. The use of the veto – or help other people live in peace, under decent
the threat of the veto – is the most obvious living conditions and with respect for human
example. The wars in Syria and Ukraine bear rights. Be aware, it is a long and arduous
tragic witness to this great power rivalry. In struggle, but remember: never give up!
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h