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my supervision. I am quite optimistic   Our university is a full member of   tion processes that totally changed
          that we will achieve these goals with   the European University Association   the general nature of the Azerbaijan
          the support of the rector of my uni-  (EUA), the International Association   economy.
          versity and through the young and   of Universities (IAU), the Federation
           enthusiastic team in our international   of the Universities of the Islamic World   The country's modern economy is
           relations office.                 (FUIW), the Universities Council of   based on a national development stra-
                                             the Black Sea Economic Co-operation   tegy established by Haydar Aliyev, the
           Q: ASEU has just celebrated its   Organization and the Eurasian Asso-  national leader of Azerbaijan. The effi-
           eightieth anniversary. Could you   ciation of Universities (EAU). ASEU   cient use of natural resources, impro-
          tell us about its history?         has established bilateral co-operation   ving the well-being of the population,
                                             with more than 100 foreign universi-  implementing the liberal foreign eco-
          Yes, we recently celebrated our    ties all over the world.           nomic activity regime, ensuring natio-
           eightieth anniversary and this means                                 nal economic security, providing sus-
           that ASEU is one of the oldest higher   ASEU established a Special Talented   tainable national economic growth and
           educational institutions in Azerbaijan.   Group where all subjects are taught   decreasing the economy's dependence
                                             exclusively in English according to   on the energy sector are considered as
           Our university was founded in  1930   Harvard University's education pro-  the main lines of this strategy.
           in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan.   gramme, the first distance educa-
           The preparation of highly educated   tion centre in the Southern Caucasus   Being one of the energy producing
           economists had already been going on   (jointly with Indiana University,   and exporting countries, Azerbaijan
           in our country since the 1920s. Thus,   USA), the World Bank Information   has successfully implemented well-
           the Polytechnic Institute established in   Centre (jointly with The World Bank),   designed targets for its oil and gas
           1920 had a special economics depart-  the World Trade Organization Refe-  strategy. Following the signing of the
           ment and later an economics section,   rence Centre (jointly with WTO), the   "Contract of the Century" (1994), the
           becoming the Social Sciences Faculty   WIPO Depository Library (jointly   launch of the Baku-Thilisi-Ceyhan
           of Azerbaijan State University in 1922.   with WIPO) and the Students' Career   oil pipeline  (2006),  and the Baku-
                                              Centre (jointly with the International   Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline  (2007)
           In  1930, Azerbaijan State University   Labour Organisation). For the last   played an important role in moder-
           was separated into different institu-  three years a number of Nobel Prize-  nizing Azerbaijan's energy industry
           tions and the Azerbaijan Trade Co-  winners in economics have delivered   and in diversifying the Caspian hydro-
           operation Institute was established   special lectures for ASEU students and   carbon export infrastructure. As a
           as its economics section. The history   staff. It is a great privilege for us that   result Azerbaijan became one of the
           of ASEU started from that date. Up   nine of them accepted to become ho-  active players on the world energy
           until  2000  our university functio-  norary doctors of our university.   market with its annual production of
           ned under different names -- Azer-                                    50 million tonnes of oil and 27 billion
           baijan Social Economic Institute,   ASEU's eighty years of activity have   cubic metres of gas. We are sure that
           Azerbaijan Institute of National Eco-  always been officially appreciated by   the realization of the "Shahdeniz-2
           nomy, and Azerbaijan State Economic   the government. A number of ASEU's   project" and construction of the Trans-
           Institute. Finally, according to presi-  professors and teachers have been   Anadolu (TANAP) and Trans-Adriatic
           dential decree of 13 June 2002, ASEU   rewarded with different state prizes.   (TAP) gas pipelines will significantly
           was re-established by combining two   On this point, we can mention the   increase Azerbaijan's importance in
           institutions -- Azerbaijan State Econo-  "Glory" Order given to our rector, Pro-  providing energy security to Europe.
           mic Institute and Baku State Commo-  fessor Shamsaddin Hajiyev, for his
           dities and Commerce Institute. Thus,   active participation in the socio-politi-  I would like to give some general
           from a small department in 1930, our   cal life of Azerbaijan in 2011.   figures summing up the current econo-
           university became one of the leading                                  mic situation. Over the last ten years
           higher educational institutions in the   Q: How would you describe your   Azerbaijan's economy has tripled in
           South Caucasus region.             country's economy in relation to   volume and our GDP reached  US$70
                                              the international economy?         billion covering about 80% of the
           Today, ASEU has thirteen faculties                                    total economy of the South Caucasus
           with more than  16,000  students.   As you know Azerbaijan obtained its   region. Another important indicator of
           International economics, finance, ban-  independence for the second time after   economic development is the volume
           king, management and accounting are   the collapse of the Soviet Union in  1991.   of the state budget that increased from
           the main areas of specialization offe-  From the economic point of view, we   US$1.5  billion in  2003 to  US$25   bil-
           red. Teaching at both undergraduate   can mention two main objectives that   lion in 2013.
           and graduate levels is provided in four   our country has tried to achieve over
           languages -- Azerbaijani, Turkish,   the last twenty years. First of all, we   A total of  US$145   billion has
           Russian and English. There are more   moved from a centrally planned eco-  been invested in Azerbaijan's eco-
           than 500 international students from   nomy to a market economy by imple-  nomy between  1995 and  2012, 50%
           twenty countries. The regular mas-  menting systematic and comprehen-  of which was foreign investment. Now
           ter's programme and the MBA pro-  sive reforms. Secondly, we integrated   our strategic exchange reserves are
           gramme total about  2,000  students.   our national economy with the world   almost  US$50   billion guaranteeing
           ASEU's Ph.D. programme is one of the   economy and aligned it with current   Azerbaijan's sustainable economic
           most prestigious in Azerbaijan. The   international economic standards.   development in the near future.
           staff includes about 2,000 professors,   This was followed by the adoption of
           lecturers and technical personnel.   elements originating from regional
                                              economic integration and globaliza-
                                                                                            International   21
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