Page 18 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 18
a perl od of
Interview with His Excellency
Murad N. Na)*afbayli
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan
to the international organizations in Geneva
Q. Given your discretion, we I worked as Ambassador of Azerbai- of the country's development and the
would like to know something jan to the Swiss Confederation; during specific work to be done in all areas
about the man behind the title. much of the same period, I was also have been adopted and successfully
What is your background? Ambassador to Liechtenstein. Also implemented. These activities have
since January 2010 and until the pre- had an important impact on the socio-
I have been employed as a diplo- sent, I am the Ambassador of Azerbai- economic development of the country,
mat for the Ministry of Foreign Af- jan to the United Nations Office and improving the well-being of the popu-
fairs (MFA) of the Republic of Azer- other international organizations in lation and facilitating the solution of
baijan since 1994. Having worked in Geneva. other problems facing our citizens. In
various departments and positions at this regard, I would particularly like to
the MFA, and succeeded through all Q. Your country has gone stress that this policy and vision of our
existing levels of diplomatic service, through tremendous changes National Leader are fully followed and
in July 20011 was appointed as coun- since the restoration of its inde- pursued by the President of the Repu-
sellor to the Permanent Mission of the pendence. What do you consider blic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mr. liham
Republic of Azerbaijan to the United as the most important changes? Aliyev.
Nations Office and other international
organizations in Geneva. For the first The time frame since the restoration The launching of Azerbaij an's oil stra-
three years, I was chargé d'affaires a.i. of our independence has been an tegy has opened up extensive oppor-
In 2004, I became the Deputy/Acting important period of dynamic socio- tunities for the implementation of all
Head of the Department of Inter- economic development, a stage of our future plans. The commissioning
national Law and Treaties of the Azer- democratic and modern state-building of the Baku-Thilisi-Ceyhan oil pipe-
baijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Azerbaijan. Under the wise political line in 2006 and of the Baku-Thilisi-
and in January 2005 I was appointed guidance of our National Leader, Hey- Erzurum gas pipeline a little later, and
the Head of that same department. dar Aliyev, we have made great strides the renewal and diversification of the
In January 2010, the President of the in maintaining public and political Caspian hydrocarbon export infra-
Republic of Azerbaijan awarded me stability, laying the foundations of the structure has ensured the direct sup-
the diplomatic rank of Ambassador economy and securing strong popular ply of Azerbaijani oil and gas to global
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. support. Numerous state programmes markets. These events have become
From January 2010 until April 2012, outlining both the general directions landmarks not only of recent years
16 International