Page 15 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 15

helps us to adapt to the multi-    Q:  I presume that, coming         HRC will be in the frontline in
           faceted changes of the 21st Cen-   from a minority yourself, you      combating such phenomena and
           tury. Geneva, in a sense, is the city   are in a better position to do   upholding democratic values, hu-
           of peace where the international   something about it.                man rights and tolerance. What
           community united can cope better                                      we want to see is respect for each
           with the many pressing situations   Perhaps my background served as   other, universality and political
           and challenges around the world.   a catalyst to being more aware of   stability, with the ultimate goal to
                                              human rights issues. It is encou-  build a more prosperous and viable
           Q: What kind of personal sa-       raging that today the international   socio-economic environment.
           tisfaction does it give you to     community is more focused and
           work with the migrant/refu-        pays more attention to the spe-    Q:  What are the areas that
           gees issues?                       cial needs of vulnerable groups. It   most require your attention,
                                              would be wrong, however, to paint   both as Greek ambassador
           Way back in 1976, when I decided   a rosy picture or become com-      and as the ambassador of a
           as a young university student to   placent. All countries must remain   European Union country?
           write my Ph.D. thesis on mino-     vigilant and pro-active, since, un-
           rity issues, my supervising pro-   fortunately, vulnerable groups, all   They are many and they are mul-
           fessor warned me that in the field   over the world, continue to suffer   tifaceted. Each moment of my
           of international law on minori-    or are treated unjustly. The toll   day is devoted to one of the major
           ties there was not enough mate-    in wars for such groups is parti-  organizations. Let's take for ins-
           rial to work on. At that time,     cularly high. Civil strife, turmoil,   tance the WTO. In Bali (9th Mi-
           there were but a few major inter-  terrorist attacks are happening in   nisterial Conference of the WTO)
           national conventions in this field.   far too many places in the world.   a historic agreement was signed
           "So," he asked me, "what kind of   A few days ago was the Holocaust   with tremendous economic signi-
           Ph.D. are you really going to work   Memorial Day, which remains a    ficance for the credibility of multi-
           on?" Today, hundreds of treaties   huge black stain on human his-     lateral trading system and ultima-
           and texts exist on the protection   tory. Although now we are more    tely for the improvement of the
           and promotion of human rights.     aware of genocides, grave human    lives of millions of people around
           What does this mean? That at the   rights violations continue, unfor-  the world. At the WTO we are
           very least, the international com-  tunately, to take place in a large   now trying to implement the Bali
           munity has become more vigilant    scale even today. Look at what is   package which ushers in deep and
           and much more sensitive in uphol-  happening in Syria or in the Cen-  far-reaching reforms.
           ding the respect and the universa-  tral African Republic, etc...
           lity of human rights. For instance,                                   The ILO is another area deman-
           in the coming March session of     Q: What we see in Europe to-       ding our attention because three
           the Council of Human Rights we     day is that right-wing policies    different constituencies are wor-
           are going to focus on a wide range   are gaining ground and they      king together —employers, em-
           of items including the rights of   often choose minorities as a       ployees and governments. There
           the child, issues of racism, pre-  target. Are there any discus-      has to be a social contract. We have
           vention of genocide, protection of   sions in the Human Rights        to work together in harmony, crea-
           human rights defenders as well as   Council to oppose this trend?     ting synergies and cooperation.
           country situations (Syria, Myan-                                      Invaluable work is done in WHO,
           mar, DPRK, etc...).                It goes without saying. There      affecting the wellbeing of millions
                                              is an ongoing discussion in the    of people globally. Equally signifi-
           In short, being part of an inter-  HRC concerning the protection of   cant and all encompassing is the
           national organization that adopts   minority rights in a world hit by   humanitarian work accomplished
           and implements the universal prin-  economic crisis, where unemploy-  by the Red Cross.
           ciples of human rights is a deman-  ment and xenophobia are sadly
           ding but at the same time reward-  on the rise. In the case of Europe,   Q: Greece is holding the Presi-
           ing professional task. Respect of   including my own country, we      dency of the European Union.
           human life and human dignity,      see a trend of increasing popu-    Does this mean that you have
           regardless of religion, ethnicity,   lism and euro-scepticism. An     more work now than you had
           race, gender empowerment, sexual   unstable economic and financial    before?
           orientation, are some of the crucial   environment favours the streng-
           topics that we focus on. Needless   thening of extreme right-wing     Greece is assuming, for the fifth
           to say that it is enormously gra-  ideologies preaching intolerance   time, the rotating Presidency of the
           tifying to work in an environment   and racism. Once again, the inter-  European Council on January 1,
           which upholds the principles of    national community and inter-      for a six-month period. The addi-
           the Charter of the United Nations.   national organizations such as   tional workload and increased

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