Page 12 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 12

my way -- was there anybody who    started these lecture series and we   delegates, to know what is the most
        needed my help? I ended up mee-    carry them on. We try to do two     important information, and what
        ting a colleague from UNICEF, who   per year. It's a surprisingly huge   are the essential reference docu-
        said: "Ah! You are here and we were   amount of work. We did one just   ments, so that they can participate
        looking for somebody who can be    before Christmas 2013 with Martti   in the process with confidence.
        acting head of human resources     Ahtisaari, the former President of   We are therefore going to pro-
        for six months. Can you help?" So   Finland, and  José  Ramos-Horta,   vide orientations and briefings for
        I was Acting HR for six months,    who was the President of Timor      Member States, particularly for the
        and then UNDP said: "When you       Leste. Both of them had been very   small Member States who do not
        have finished that, could you come   important in negotiating peace    have huge amount of staff covering
        and help us for six months while   deals. José Ramos-Horta is now      the process. Maybe it would be use-
        we find our own person." I really   the United Nations' Special Repre-  ful if we would do a series of brief-
        enjoyed both of these assignments.   sentative and Head of the United   ings for Member States on some of
                                            Nations Integrated Peace-Building   the issues that might be included
        When I had finished these two       Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOG-    on the agenda. For example, why
        assignments and was ready to go     BIS). It was very interesting to lis-  do you need a development agenda
        home and do some more retiring,     ten to them, and both of them said   in the first place? How do you get
        I got a phone call from the Secre-  the same thing, which is so relevant   the right balance between a results-
        tary-General's Office saying: "We   now for Syria. The most impor-     oriented agenda and an inspira-
        are thinking of consolidating seven   tant quality that the winner must   tional and visionary agenda? Why
        organizations together, including   demonstrate is the forgiveness to   would you like to have a limited
        UNITAR. You have proven your-       the looser. It's so hard, but if you   number of results on everything
        self as a manager in the system. We   cannot make the loser feel that they   that everybody could think about?
        would like you to do two things: to   have hope of playing some useful   On all these issues, why is it better
        be the manager of UNITAR; but       role in the future, you are sowing   to have ten or fifteen results rather
        also to help the efforts of the SG to   the seeds of the next war.     than 150? What are the advantages
        consolidate UNITAR with these six                                      of having this result instead of ano-
        other organizations."              Another thing that we do in Geneva   ther result? What indicator should
                                            is to run a lot of training courses   we think about and what does a
        Q: So that's what you did?          here, both online and actually face-  good indicator mean? Some are
                                            to-face. Our target audience is the   technical matters; some are almost
        Well, that's what I came to do. It   Geneva-based delegates to the UN,   philosophical. Why is it important
        has not progressed as easily as I   particularly the new ones who have   to have universal goals instead
        think the Secretary-General would   just arrived, and particularly those   of having goals just for the deve-
        have wished. I think the initial   from countries that do not have     loping world -- just like MDGs?
        idea was a lovely idea, but trying   their own national diplomatic aca-  What were the shortcomings of the
        to make reality match the ideal has   demy. We teach negotiation skills,   MDGs? How do we learn from that
        been a lot more difficult.          resolutions, drafting, etc., but also   experience, and do even better this
                                            to understand how the different    time.
        Q: UNITAR is often mentioned        UN bodies work, the rules of the
        in Geneva for its assistance        Human Right's Council, the rules   There is a lot of work going on right
        to humanitarians through            of the First Committee, the rules of   now. The problems is not that there
        UNOSAT. What are the other          the Security Council. That's what   is not enough information, the pro-
        contributions you make to In-      we do.                              blem is that there is far too much
        ternational Geneva?                                                    information. Thus, the poor dele-
                                            Q: What are your plans for the     gate who is covering three commit-
        There are two reasons why people    Institute in 2014?                 tees all by himself/herself is ove-
        should know about us. My prede-                                        rwhelmed. So we asked: "Would
        cessor, Carlos Lopez, started the   We have a very interesting new     it be helpful if we could draw this
        Geneva Lecture Series because he    programme. There is a big discus-  information together, synthesize it,
        felt that the people of Geneva do   sion going on in the UN about the   and make it more comprehensible
         not really know much about the     Sustainable Development Goals,     -- easier for the Member States to
        work of the UN. He wanted to in-    and the new Post  2015  develop-   grasp?" So we are now putting to-
        troduce a series of presentations   ment agenda. There are so many     gether a series of briefings for New
        which would be slightly populist,   different, but related, processes   York and Geneva, and hopefully
         not academic, and everybody could   going on, that Member States are   that will help to get this agenda
        get an understanding of the issues   drowning in information. It was   decided. But, once the agenda has
        that the UN is dealing with. Why    suggested that UNITAR could help   been decided, there is something
        are these issues important? He      delegates, including newly arrived   more important. If this is going to

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