Page 11 - DIVA_1_2014
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That is more or less what our niche   a little bit comfortable. Perhaps  and to assemble the Secretary-
           or competitive advantage is. We   they find a partner and have child-  General's Report on Peace-Building
           conduct training on things that are   ren, and then it becomes extremely  and the Immediate Aftermath of
          very closely related to decisions  difficult to move to a field posting.   Conflict. This was all about stating
           that Member States have made or    If you do not have field experience   the obvious: that the four parts of
           are going to make, and help turn  -- and particularly emergency field   the UN -- the Humanitarian, the
           these decisions into action.       experience -- it's very hard to be a   Military, the Political and Develop-
                                              senior officer in the UN, because   ment -- must all sit down together
           Another area of our work is UNO-   you are missing that kind of first   and do the strategic planning at a
           SAT. By helping different parts  hand in-depth experience which  very early stage, with the key natio-
           of the UN access this geospatial   is an awful lot of what the UN is   nal actors.
           imagery, it helps them to obtain   all about. I was lucky starting with
           the information they need to sup-  these very hands-on assignments.   Because of that experience, I had
           port good decision making (see                                        the chance to lead the team that
           page  34).   We train Member States   In Malawi I actually worked as an   resulted in the establishment of UN
           showing them how to do this for    officer for the Malawian Govern-   Women, and that was very interes-
           themselves, and how they can use   ment, which was also a very fortu-  ting. I worked under the Deputy
           this information for their own plan-  nate way to begin. Seeing the work   Secretary-General Asha-Rose Mi-
           ning. For instance, we were very  of the UN through the eyes of the   giro. There were four very different
           quickly able to produce images of   government was very useful. I was   units, one large programme, two
           the floods in Bangkok (October     a young economist working for  small departments, and an inde-
           2013) that showed where the situa-  the Ministry of Health, and I was   pendent training entity. It was my
           tion was worse. Then we train na-  paid a government salary, living in   job to bring them all together and
           tionals to use this information and   governmental housing, sharing an   create something new. I started
           technology for themselves.         office with two other governmental   with a big advantage as the Mem-
                                              officials. Then I went on to work as   ber States had already made a very
           I think that UNITAR should do an   a UN volunteer. Once again it was  strong resolution. My job was to
           awful lot more to assist UN Mem-   working for the government as an   work with these four organizations
           ber States in making good deci-    economist in the Ministry of Eco-  and come up with a new vision as
           sions. Once they have made these   nomic Planning in Liberia. While I   to what the new organization would
           decisions, we should be able to  was there I had the chance to move   look like, it's functions, it's work
           help them translate these choices  to UNICEF as a young professional   and then to obtain the Member
           to bring about meaningful change   and became a UN staff member. So,   States' agreement to that. Once we
           in their country. Through this kind   I had four years of working for go-  were granted the founding resolu-
           of practical action support we are  vernments before I started to work   tion, we had to set UN Women up
           able to keep the UN relevant in the   for the UN. I had twenty years of  while we were waiting for the first
           twenty-first century. In this way  working in the field before I came   Executive Director to be appointed.
           we ensure that the UN is not just  to the headquarters.               Then I worked with her for four
           a talking shop, but we increase the                                   months, while she got her team
           likelihood that the talking becomes  Twenty-four years of working in   together.
           action -- which is what is important  Africa really meant that when I
           in the end.                        came to the headquarters I had a   Q: After the setting up of UNI-
                                              very strong field background. It   FEM, did you come here?
           Q: Before becoming an Assis-       gives you a kind of confidence when
           tant Secretary-General, you  you come to headquarters because         First I took early retirement. My
           had a long career with the UN.     most people working in headquar-   husband is a little bit older than I,
                                              ters have either no or very limited   and we realized that we had always
           I was very lucky. The first lucky  field experience.                  been living overseas and did not
           thing that happened to me was that                                    have a home. We decided to esta-
           I began as an overseas development   Then I had a long career as a deve-  blish a home in Ireland and to put
           volunteer in Malawi. Then I went to   lopment officer, first for UNICEF   down some roots while we were still
           Liberia as a UN volunteer, and then   and then for UNDP. At a certain   physically able to do so. We left New
           to Uganda as a young programme     time I wanted to understand how the  York and moved everything, setting
           officer. When you are young and    UN Secretariat functions, how the   up our home in a beautiful place
           single it is much easier to accept   Member States' decision-making  on the coast of Ireland. After four
           these quite difficult duty stations.   processes work, which is very dif-  months the house was finished, and
           I did not realize it at that time, but   ferent from how UNICEF, UNDP   I realized that I was not really ready
           this is a very good way to begin.  and the field agencies work. Thus, I   to stop working. I went back to New
           People who start their careers here   had the good fortune to be allowed   York and walked down 44th Street
           in Geneva or in New York become    to work in peace-building support,   just to see whom I might meet on

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