Page 7 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 7
I am a team player and I believe Good things are hard to achieve. but we did not have the migra-
in teams. I think that we sink or Globally, there has been pro- tion issues, the conflict issues, the
swim together. The success of the gress, but when you start to disag- financial issues. People are still re-
whole post-2015 agenda depends gregate the data within regions, covering from the financial crisis.
on effective teamwork -- a global within countries, you see that we Today, we have huge cohorts of
team effort. If we can achieve that have not achieved as much as we young people, which make it even
ambition and do this together, we wanted, although one may say that more difficult to satisfy aspira-
have so much to gain. I think we we have made progress. Some are tions because it is young, visiona-
can succeed. actually well on the road to achie- ry energy that you have to contend
ving the MDGs, but have been set with, because they are asking for
Q: Could you tell us about the back because of conflict, the finan- their rights and for democracy. It
work you are doing? cial crisis, climate change etc. is a different backdrop today.
I think that we will be ready to What we can say about the MDGs This means that we have to think
start flying with our plans next is that they galvanized people, more about how our global goals
year. I think that we have enough countries and governments to can address these needs. What
now under our belt to achieve the invest in issues that are "rights makes a tempting universal sus-
acceleration, and enough with based". Frankly, for a woman to tainable development agenda? It
the membership process to show give birth safely; for a child to go is like climate change -- it affects
us the way. We now need to start to school and learn; for access all of us, whether we are in New
building momentum and keeping to clean drinking water -- it is a York or in the Sahara or on an is-
our ambition high all the way to right, not charity. All these things land in the Pacific.
the end. High, which is quite unu- are just basic rights, but the way
sual, because we have never had they were advanced as an inte- It is therefore imperative for us to
this kind of open, inclusive and grated whole was, I think, one of think holistically, to think about
transparent process of developing the success stories of the MDGs. each other, to work with one ano-
a global agenda, a framework like It showed we could do it; we had ther and to leave nobody behind.
this. In the past, it has more or less to do it! There are sufficient resources in
been experts, experience and pres- this world to make this happen.
criptions that have shown us how You have to remember that the But is there the necessary political
it should be done. Now countries MDGs are not a legally binding will? We have to find the leader-
are coming in on their own with framework. It is a normative fra- ship. Nothing is impossible, and
ownership, sustainability, scaling mework which was intended to be in these times where things are
-- this is really the name of the inspiring and to show how much so dire, this is really when we
game. How do we communicate advocacy you can achieve to move need to step up to the table and
that, how do we have a conver- it along. show that humanity matters.
sation with the world so that It has never been more necessary
people start to understand it bet- It is going to be the same thing than now. When you hear about
ter, and are involved in conceptua- with the next set of goals -- but what is happening in Syria, and
lizing what we are talking about? an even "bigger ask". I think what you think about the Central Afri-
Because we say this process is makes it a "bigger ask" is that the can Republic, these things are not
transformative. It is moving from environment we experience today acceptable. Then you think about
a narrow aid-driven focus, that is not the same as it was in 2000. those silent voices -- the millions
thin slice of resources that often It was the time of the millennium of women who are living daily in
does not arrive on time or even and it was a question of looking fear of violence, or the children
at all, to a much more transfor- forward -- what is behind that who really do not have any voices
mative universal approach where door? I also think that at that time at all.
we look at sustainability, develop- we thought that our computers
ment, scale, economic transfor- were going to collapse! But, in the It is a huge agenda. The light at the
mation. It is just so much bigger UN, we are also a little sad when end of the tunnel tells us that it is
and the resources required are we take stock of the different de- "doable". There is nothing that we
huge. Connect resources to need velopment decades of the past and do not have in the world today in
(not want) and make it happen. note that we have not achieved terms of expertise and resources
Health for All, or Education for that can prevent it from happe-
Q: Going back to the Millen- All -- and this was really intended ning; it is all about political will.
nium Development Goals, to provide the basic minimum! It
some countries have reached was very much about the poverty
their targets, others haven't. and human development agenda
How do you see it? (which is extremely important),
International 5J