Page 6 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 6

Assistant Secretary-General
                                                               of the United Nations,
                                                               Special Adviser on Post-2015

                                                               Development Planning

                                                               Amina J. Mohammed is a dynamic Nigerian woman,
                                                               who has been given the difficult task of preparing
                                                               for the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
                                                               She is a hard-working woman, highly educated, and
         Q: First of all, could you tell    said: "stop        in addition to a very challenging position in the UN,
         us a little about yourself?        shouting           she is also the mother of six children. We had the op-
                                            about it and       portunity of meeting her in the UN Secretariat in New
         When I came back to Nigeria, after   come and do      York to learn more about the work that she and her
         receiving some of my education     something          team are doing --the ideas. Now we leave the floor to
         in the United Kingdom, I started   from the           Ms Mohammed
         to work with architects and engi-  inside!"
         neers. For eleven years, we desig-
         ned hospitals, schools and public   So we took a decision in civil so-  level and seen challenges where
         buildings. It did not function very   ciety and decided to get involved   a set of goals were established, I
         well and I thought: how in a deve-  in the movement. We produced      believe in the Member State pro-
         loping country could we be provi-  the first national education plan   cess. In my opinion this is the only
         ding all of this expertise and col-  -- it took us a very long time! In   process that can make progress,
         lecting all these consultancy fees   this way, Nigeria had negotiated   but it does not mean that it's going
         and then not delivering the end    its release from debts and I had   to be easy. It's a complex environ-
         product? Then, I had the idea that   been working on the MDGs with    ment and there are other agendas:
         we could do the work better by     the United Nations for a while.    we have a parallel challenge on
         creating our own company. I set up   Somebody was needed to ma-       climate change; there are still the
         a company with four colleagues,    nage the relief which had been     trade talks going on, although we
         but ten years later it still did not   earmarked for spending on the   obtained a fairly good result in the
         make much difference. Our pro-     MDGs, amounting to  US$1   bil-    last round of talks; and there are a
         grammes were well executed, but    lion a year. That was really the   number of issues on the political
         the nation was getting poorer and   beginning of seeing the possi-    agenda that make peace and deve-
         we were not even providing the     bilities of what the country could   lopment a challenge.
         same education that I had received   do; you could use resources to
         when I was a child. This was the   make a difference to people's lives.   I have six children -- two boys and
         situation at the turn of the millen-  So, having done that for seven years   four girls -- so they keep me busy.
         nium concerning education, and I   with three different presidents, I   I think one of the biggest claims
         thought that's it! I advocated with   was given the privilege to be part   that I can say about anything we
         the government and moved into      of shaping the next set of goals.   have done successfully is that
         civil society. Then the government   Having worked at the country     we have carried it out as a team.

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