Page 8 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 8

Q: How are you going to find       increasing. This means that you     The experts are telling you about
         that will?                         need to look again how you invest   the threat of climate change. What
                                            strategically and how you include   is happening about food and nu-
         Well, we are very fortunate that   everyone. That requires lots of     trition? What is happening about
         this time we have a situation      base-line disaggregated data and    women and girls' education? We
         where Member States have said      certainly the multi-stakeholder     bring that into a discussion in the
         that they want to lead the process   partnerships to make it happen.   Open Working Group; it's a plat-
         -- they want to own it. At the be-  We cannot do this without neglec-  form for deliberating on a set of
         ginning, I think people were very   ting the planet.                   goals. We should get a proposal
         concerned about what they were                                         for a set of goals before Septem-
         going to seek to achieve. There are   It is very difficult to think about   ber 2014, and then we will have to
         also concerns that we may end up   the environment when you are        establish the knowledge of what is
         getting the lowest common deno-    wondering where your next meal      out there and where the real needs
         minator for 193 countries. History   will come from; but somehow we    are. And then we have to priori-
         shows us that the trade talks are   have to find a balance. Even as we   tize those across the globe. That's
         not working very well; the climate   empower people, we will be in a   a huge task, but the UN system
         change talks are still incomplete.   much weaker position if we do not   and agencies have been helping
         I think that on the development     take care of the environment and   and bringing in expertise to do
         agenda we have an opportunity      global common goods, and then       it. They distil the issues and help
         to turn things around. Just over   you have to build resilience to     the Member States to clarify their
         a year ago things looked very dif-  cope with the effects that climate   priorities. We ask external people
         ferent. It did not look as if the sus-  change is bringing.            to come in and assess these issues,
         tainable development agenda was                                        and in this way we also obtain an
         going to be a reality. There was a   This is what we are working on.   outside view of the process.
         lot of concern about whether the   There is a road-map that says we
         poverty agenda would be forgot-     have eighteen months to agree on   Then we have another parallel
         ten, as if this sustainable deve-  something and it is important that   process that talks about finance
         lopment agenda just concerned      we agree on one agenda.             for sustainable development, and
         the environment. This universal                                        that is going to mean overseas
         agenda -- would it forget about     Now we have to prioritize. When    development assistance. How
         the poor? Because now it involves   193 countries are setting their    can we keep that on the table and
         everybody and competing de-         priorities and are thinking about   use it more innovatively, increase
         mands would write off some parts   goals, then we may end up with      it where we can but at least hold
         of the constituencies that also    about 150 of them if a concerted    on to what we have and get these
         need the resources. Maybe we will   effort is not made to synthesize   commitments paid for.
         lose them.                         and integrate these. We all know
                                            that what is going to work is a     And then we must look at the
         Today we are in a much better      concise set of goals like the MDGs   wider possibilities for other re-
         position. There is much more cer-  that attribute a specific interven-  sources: sovereign wealth funds,
         tainty that a universal agenda is   tion to specific action at country   pension funds, illicit financial out-
         needed -- a cohesive and integra-  level. We need a set of measure-    flows stashed in tax heavens -- the
         ted set of goals. When we look at   ments making everybody accoun-     resource base that is available. But
         sustainable development, then      table in a framework that is not    we need to find ways of unlocking
         economic transformation, social    legally binding but compelling      it. So you need to find ways of
         inclusion and the protection of the   enough to drive concerted action   taking the risk out of an environ-
         environment become the vehicles    on the ground. And then, last but   ment, those resources could be ac-
         to eradicate poverty. It is not just   not least, how do you set the levels   cessed to infrastructures in other
         a question of eradicating poverty   of implementation so you can       countries. Or you could look at tax
         through a few targeted invest-     have a good menu that you can       havens and how to access those
         ments, but actually transforming   actually pay for?                   resources. We know the legal ins-
         economies, ensuring that young                                         truments, We know where they
         people get jobs, creating infras-  Q: Have you negotiated these       are, but we need to bring those re-
         tructures so that you can deliver   issues with each Member           sources back to the country of ori-
         the services in a sustainable way.   State?                           gin. But, at the same time, can we
                                                                               get additional resources to help
         When you see economies growing,    What has been done is that the     these countries, to strengthen
         you must ask why there are still so   general public has been asked for   their tax system so that the same
         many people who are poor in those   different kinds of information.   thing does not happen again? You
         countries. The inequalities are    What is the world that you want?   can see we are entering a transition

         [6  International
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