Page 9 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 9

Secretary-General Swears in Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning
             Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shakes hands with Amina Mohammed,
             followina Ms. Mohammed's swearinci-in ceremony. 06 Auciust 2012 United Nations, New York  	©  UN Photo/Evan Schneider

           and a fifteen-year frame of action   continue -- and how do you keep   nizations. What we did the first
           that needs to take place in order to   people committed? We hope that   time was to roll out on the country
           build the next level of sustainable   they will keep the momentum     level within the UN system. I think
           development.                       going by campaigning and advo-     we had almost 100 countries in-
                                              cating particularly at the country   volved in that phase. We will have
           Bringing these two strands toge-   level, because, at this time, those   a second phase of UN consulta-
           ther - the Open Working Group      of us in New York need to be infor-  tions in January  2014  that will
           [on goals] and the Financing       med about what is happening at      also reach out to many partners at
           Committee - they will submit their   the country level so as to achieve   the country-level; this is led by the
           outputs in September  2014.  We    complete ownership. When you        UN Development Group.
           then have the Secretary-General    craft something here, and take it
           who has been given the remit to    down to the country level we can   Q: Would it be better to in-
           bring all of these threads together   hit the ground running and start   vest and create frameworks
           in a synthesis report which hope-  implementing. In the transition to   that give people jobs instead
           fully will form the basis of the final   the country level, many of those   of development assistance?
           leg of negotiating an ambitious    MDGs still needs to be finished
           outcome. I think the expectations   off, and then we need to look to   That is what we are doing! That
           are high. We certainly have to get   the bigger sort of responses -- to   is what sustainable development
           it right because in a world where   the more complicated environ-     is all about -- economic transfor-
           so much is going wrong, expecta-   ment.                               mation. Jobs will come through
           tions are high. And they involve                                      investing in infrastructure. That
           civil society.                     Q: How do you choose your          will create businesses, then you
                                              partners on the ground?            will industrialize, and involve
           This has been a very transparent                                      yourself in trade where in the
           process. We can always say that    First and foremost, there is a huge   past there were so many bar-
           we can do better, but certainly we   network available through the     riers. You are absolutely right,
           have obtained some really good     UN system with its different pro-   I think it's about decent jobs and
           input, and that was the ambi-      grammes. Second, there are vast    livelihoods.
           tion of this agenda. We need to    networks, NGOs and others orga-

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