Page 14 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 14


                                                              Presidency of the



                                                            Interview with His Excellency

                                                            Alexis Alexandris

                                                            Ambassador of Greece

                                                            to the United Nations

        Q: Your Excellency, could you       In January 2014 I completed       Q: Among the different orga-
        tell us something about your        my first year in Geneva, in this   nizations in Geneva, is there
        background?                         great city of diplomacy where the   one in particular that is close
                                            League of Nations was established   to your heart?
         I was born in Istanbul, as a mem-  immediately after the First World
         ber of the historic Greek minority.   War. Now under the auspices    As a specialist in minorities and
        After a long tour studying abroad   of the United Nations the inter-   human rights, it is the Office of
         in universities, I entered the     national community is repre-       the High Commissioner for Hu-
         Ministry of Foreign Affairs and    sented in its entirety.            man Rights, the United Nations
         settled in Greece. Throughout                                         High Commissioner for Refugees,
         my career at the Ministry I held   The spirit of co-operation we      the International Organization
         various positions.                 have creates a very strong sense   for Migration and the Red Cross.
                                            of belonging to a family of multi-  These four organizations special-
         I'm a specialist on Greek/Turkish   lateral diplomacy. The diversity   ize on subjects that are very close
         relations, minority issues and hu-  of the organizations and agencies   to my heart. I deal with these is-
         man rights, an area in which I ear-  that we are working with renders   sues almost on a daily basis, inter-
         ned my doctorate from King's Col-  this task extremely interesting,   acting and exchanging views with
         lege, University of London. Later I   not to mention the importance of   colleagues from all over the world.
         lectured on these topics at McGill   the issues that these internatio-
         University in Montreal, Canada.    nal institutions are dealing with.   There are of course many other
                                            The Geneva international working   issues the Permanent Mission
         Q: You have been the Greek         environment presents many new      of Greece covers as well, which
         ambassador to the UN and           challenges and the issues we are   encompass the entire family of
         the international organi-          seized with are on the top of the   organizations specializing on eco-
         zations here in Geneva for         international agenda and figure    nomic, but also social issues, such
         more than a year now. Could        prominently in the news.           as WTO, TJNCTAD, ILO, WIPO,
         you give us your impressions                                          UNECE and WHO. All these orga-
         and tell us about the particu-                                        nizations uphold multilateralism.
         lar challenges?                                                       An approach benefiting all actors

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