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responsibility taken up by every   policies and actions to improve    Q: Greece is on the front
         Presidency stems from the need to   initial deficiencies in the Euro area   line in receiving refugees,
        coordinate and reach consensual    architecture, which have been       something that the UNHCR
         positions among the twenty-eight   unveiled by the ongoing crisis.   has acknowledged. Given
         member states of the EU, this     The aim remains to safeguard the   the financial difficulties that
         consensus being the very asset    irrevocability of the common cur-   Greece is facing, how have
        and the uniqueness of the EU.       rency, on a solid and sustainable   Greece's relations with the
        After the Lisbon Treaty, the Euro-  basis.                             UNHCR evolved? Is there
         pean Union has the tool, namely                                       greater cooperation or grea-
         the EEAS, to be represented in a   The third one is migration, bor-   ter tension?
         unified manner in foreign policy   ders and mobility. We have placed
         issues. The Greek Presidency       migration on the EU agenda, by     We are very open and forthcoming
        works very closely and harmo-       establishing three main targets:   in our cooperation with UNHCR,
         niously with the EU delegation in   (a) organizing better legal migra-  implementing together a series of
         Geneva since Greece is a fervent   tion, (b) reducing undocumented    bilateral programmes. I have re-
         supporter of European integration   migration, while safeguarding     cently visited High Commissioner
         and of course of European ideals.   human rights, and (c) enhancing   Guterres, within the framework of
                                            synergies between migration and    our close cooperation and regular
         Every Presidency has to establish   growth. The Greek Presidency will   exchange of views. UNHCR is ap-
         certain key priorities and some    also strive towards enhancing EU   preciative of our efforts to address
         of our priorities have a distinctly   cooperation with third countries   the increasing migratory pres-
         Geneva flavour. The first priority   of origin and transit of migrants.   sure on our borders. Since 2010,
         is jobs, growth and cohesion in                                       when we started to receive this
         Europe. Unemployment, and es-      The fourth one, which is a very    migratory inflow, Greece adop-
         pecially youth unemployment, is    Greek priority, aiming to achieve   ted a new strategic plan on asy-
         one of the biggest challenges that   an integrated maritime policy.   lum and migration management,
         we are facing in Europe today.     Greece is a sea-faring country with   a National Plan, which has been
                                            a big merchant fleet, so we are well   implemented with considerable
         The second priority is further inte-  aware of the potential of the sea,   success, particularly with the help
         gration in the Eurozone and ban-   as well as of the needs of mana-   of the UNHCR office in Athens.
         king union. Deepening the union,   ging its resources in a sustainable   At the end of 2012, the National
         especially the EMU, by promoting   way.                               Plan was updated with the revised
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