Page 17 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 17

Action Plan, according to which     labour force of  4.4   million are   your country's budgetary cuts
          the asylum service and first arrival   foreigners. Migrants additionally   affect the role Greece plays
          reception centre were established.   make up 25 % of wage and salary   here in Geneva?
          Apart from the regional Asylum      earners.
           Office in Attica Athens, three ad-                                    Currently, I work with half of the
           ditional asylum offices are in full   All the same, the Greek Presi-  personnel that our Mission used
           operation in the border region.    dency is determined to focus its   to have in the past. Naturally
           In 2014 five additional offices will   efforts on a European holistic   one cannot be happy when one is
           open.                              approach and management of the     forced to work with a reduced
                                              migration policy, while promo-     budget, yet we all understand the
           The close cooperation between the   ting parallel actions to mitigate   necessity of cutting our expenses
           Greek government and the UNHCR     the consequences in the econo-     for the sake of future generations.
           is reflected in the report addressed   mic, social and political reality   Meanwhile, what matters is a
           by the High Commission to Greece   of EU Member-States. Emphasis      successful Presidency and in his
           for the EU Presidency encom-       will be placed in updating the EU   regard we have engaged a number
           passing some recommendations       Action Plan on tackling migration   of young people who help us for
           related to the asylum policy of the   pressure - Strategic response, and   the current semester.
           European Union.                    especially on measures tackling
                                              illegal migratory movements and    Q: The New Year has just be-
           Q: I presume that not all of       combating human trafficking.       gun: what would you like to
           the  27,000 refugees will ob-      Burden-sharing is part and parcel   achieve this year, both person-
           tain the status of political re-   of this EU Action Plan.            ally and as an ambassador?
           fugee. How long can the refu-
           gees stay in your country?         Greece will work, inter alia, on   First and foremost in my mind is
                                              promoting cooperation with third   the wish to see my country reco-
           You obviously refer specifically to   countries (origin and transit) in all   ver from the economic crisis as
           the Syrian refugee inflow which    matters concerning an integrated   quickly as possible. It is indeed
           in fact numbers around  20,000,    and effective management of mi-    undeniable that Greece has made
           14,000 of whom arrived in the      gration policy.                    noteworthy progress both in the
           last three years. Because of the                                      economic and financial domains
           dramatic situation in Syria a spe-  Q: Other EU countries facing      this year, something which was
           cial treatment is awarded to the   serious financial challenges       achieved with the enormous sacri-
           Syrian refugees in Greece. Upon    at home have cut their staff       fices of the Greek people.
           arrival a six-month residence      in Geneva. It would be sur-
           permit is granted on humanita-     prising if Greece had not          At a global level I am hopeful that
           rian grounds which is obviously    been obliged to do the same.       at least some of the international
           renewable given the continuing     Yet before the economic cri-       conflicts or civil wars that ravage
           grave humanitarian situation in    sis, Greece was one of the         so many parts of the world, will be
           Syria. According to recent statis-  most active and visible EU        resolved. Concerning professional
           tics, 99 % of the Syrian applicants   countries on the diploma-       goals, I would like to have a good
           are awarded political refugee      tic scene in Geneva. How do        and efficient Presidency!
                                                          PUB LICJTE
           In this context let me underline the
           importance of the implementation
                                                           FRENCH - GERMAN - ENGLISH - ITALIAN - SPANISH - CHINESE
           of the Common European Asylum                   -  --. 	 >
           System, with particular emphasis                       ECOLE VARADI SA
           on measures to strengthen soli-                   YID
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           the percentage of foreign nationals              SERB SWISS GERMAN SWEDISH   Preparation for English and French schooling
           in Greece is as high as 8.4 % in                      Secretarial Diploma. Computer studies   z
                                                                    Accelerated programs in 3 months
           proportion to the total population                Academic and professional orientation . Coaching
           of the country. Moreover, between                  Flexible schedule from 7 am to 10 pm .7 days a week   C)
           9 and ii % of the registered Greek                      The first lesson entails no obligation   rn
                                                                 32, avenue de Frontenex. 5 min from Rive   E
                                                             T61.022 736 28 74
                                                           RUMANIAN - PORTUGESE - JAPANFSP - HUNGARIAN - flhiTCll
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