Page 3 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 3

Emergency                                         (CERF)

                                                          luunanitarian     emer-  cormtries   uivest   111 cost-

                                                          gency    fiuid.    Human  effective    disaster    pre-
                                                          beings   sliould   have   tlie  paredness     and    early-
                                                          same    valrie    every-  wai'iiing   systems,   wliicli
                                                          wliere,   as  lie  often   says.  can    save    countless
                                                                                 lives."   The   next   impor-
                                                          Tl'ie   new   fiind   will   save  tant   steps   to  get  tlie   fiu'id
                                                          lives    by    providing  rip  and  ninning   include
                                                          in'unediate    fimding   for  tlie   establislunent     of  a
                                                          initial   life-saving    assis-  t  w  e  I  v  e  -  111  e  m  b  e  r
                                                          tance   during   tlie  early  Advisory    Group,     COIII-
                                                          days   and   montlis   of   an  prising   eiglit   representa-
                                                          emergency.    It  will   also  tives    of    contributing
                                                          lielp    to    provide  countries     and    forir
                                                          resources    to   support  experts   appointed    by  tlie
                                  Organization    (FAO)   in
                                                          life-saving    aid   in  crises  S  e c re  t ary-    G  en  er  a 1.
                                  Februai'y    2004   to  spray
          Fundinglias  always                             tliat    liave   been   over-  United   Nations    internal
                                  locust   larvae   (and   pre-
          been   one  of   tlie  diffi-                   looked   or  are  seriorisly  and    external     ariditors
                                  vent    tlieir    spread)
          crilties     in    providing                    ruider-funded,    so  tliat  will   monitor    tlie   upgrad-
                                  received   an  inadequate
          rapid    luunanitarian                          all   tliose   wlio   suffer  ed  CERF    on  an  ainuial
                                  response.    Tliat   sum-
          assistance    to   victu'ns                     receive     assistance  basis.    Additionally,
                                  mer,   the  locusts   multi-
          after   a  disaster.   Most                     according     to    tlieir  grant-receiving    United
                                  plied   tlu'ougliout    eiglit
          lives   are  lost   in  the  first              need-not    tlieir   creed,  Nations     agencies    will
                                  countries     and    FAO
          days    following     an                        politics   or  tlie  amoruit  carry    out    tlieir    OWII
                                  revised    tlie   appeal    to
          eaitliqr'iake,    a  flood   or                 of  media   attention.  aridits.   A  CERF   website,
                                  $100   million.
          any   other   type   of  disas-                                        including    financial    and
          ter.  To  save  lives.    aid                   So,   in   late   December  expenditure     tracking,
                                  In  Darfur,   it  took   forir
          workers   need   iininedi-                      2005    the    General  will   provide    real-time
                                  months    between    tlie
          ate  casli   and  supplies.                     Assembly    endorsed   tlie  updates   to  tlie   public   on
                                  time    wlien    access
          Late    tunding     often                       Central     Emergency  liow   fiuids   are  used.
                                  restrictions    were   lifted
          an'iplifies    and   compli-                    Response        Fund
                                  and   fiuids    were   COIII-
          cates   tlie   problems.                        (CERF).   "Tliis    is  a  key  Tlie   new   fiuid    will    be
                                  mitted   to  tlie   appeal.   III
                                                          acliievement     tliat   will  larinclied    in  mid-Jamiai'y
                                  tlie    meantime,     tlie
          Tliere    are    several                        do    IIIIICII    to    lielp  2006   and   sliorild   be  fully
                                  munber    of   internally
          examples    where   early                       strengtlien    tlie  co-ordi-  operational    by  Marcli   of
                                  displaced     persons
          funding     could    liave                      nation    of   emergency  tliis   year.
                                  (IDPs)   climbed   steadi-
          made   a  significant    dif-                   l'nunanitarian     assis-
                                  ly   to   1.6   million    and
          ference.   In  tlie  case  of                   tance,"     said    Jan
                                  mortality     rates    rose
          tlie   locust    swarins   in                   Egeland.     "Altliougli
                                  above    emergency    lev-
          tlie   African    Saliel,   early               tliis   is   an   important
          funding    would    have                        step  fotaward,   we  need
          mitigated    its    effects                     to   do   more   in   otlier
                                  In  order   to  avoid   simi-
          and   early   intervention                      areas,"      Egeland
                                  lar    situations,     Jan
          would   have   been   mucli                     empliasized.    "We   rec-
                                  Egeland     lias    been
          cheaper.   An   appeal   for                    ogiiize   tliat   we  need   to
                                  advocating     for    tlie
          $9  million    by  the  {JN                     improve    co-ordination
                                  establislunent     of    a
          Food    and   Agriculture                       and    to    ensure    tliat
                                                                                                l  2006   Diva   I
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