Page 7 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 7

We started out with a consor-  Our objectives are to make   of treatment we have more   due to access to adequate
             tium of three to four organi-  sure that the funds con-  than 3,000 organizations   treatment. Today, we do not
                                                                            let it be
                                                                                     see anyone dying from
             zations. Today we have ten   tributed are reaching the   working in Africa
             member agencies, such as   people, and that they are   Mali or elsewhere—who   AIDS, as access to treatment
             UNICEF, WHO, UNDP,       being used in the best possi-  are working on pro-  is more or less universal in
             ILO, UNESCO, WFP ... We   ble and most efficient man-  grammes and projects on   the developed world, where
             are all working together to   ner. UNAIDS is thus plead-  access to adequate treat-  the social security system
             ensure that the activities in   ing internationally, mobiliz-  ment for the population, in   covers the medical fees and
             the fight against AIDS are   ing the leaders and making   remote or rural areas, or   the treatment. Therefore,
             co-ordinated and more effi-  sure that the fight against   anywhere.    AIDS has become a disease
             cient.                   AIDS is on all agendas at the                  much like any other. Today,
                                      political level and, beyond   The third aspect of   you do not die of AIDS; you
             The second reason for set-  that, mobilizing all the actors   UNAIDS is to provide   are sick but often it is not
              ting up UNAIDS was that   for action. This is the first   strategic information for   even visible. Therefore,
             we quickly realized that the   task of the organization.   people. This is a very   there is a lack of prevention
             fight against AIDS is more                       important task. Let me give   attitudes among the general
              than a public health measure.   Secondly, we are creating   you an example. In a cer-  public and this is a danger-
              When you are in contact   centres of dialogue where   tain country—let us take   ous evolution.
             with human sexuality, you   there is an obligation to   the case of Brazil—they
              are in fact touching the inti-  organize meetings. We want   have undertaken specific   We have noticed an increase
              mate life of each human   the outcome to be results-  actions to fight the disease:   of AIDS cases due to this
              being. It is something far   oriented. By offering a new   they have changed their   attitude. Today, specific
              more complex that a health   space to civil society, we   constitution in order to   groups are the ones becom-
              measure. You have to    hope that civil society is   make access to treatment a   ing infected with HIV—
              approach this in a multifac-  waking up and that public   legal right. This is a strong   young people, for instance—
              eted context, and the ques-  opinion is becoming essen-  message to the rest of the   where there is less and less
              tions that arise are numerous.   tial.          world that they, at least for   protection. Unfortunately,
              At that time, there were no                     their population, are fight-  activities and media cam-
              cheap medical treatments—  For instance, we have seen   ing for lower prices on   paigns do not produce the
              the existing one was exces-  that the price of medication   medical treatment, for a   same impact as they did ten
              sively expensive. The only   has been reduced quite con-  systematic testing enabling   years ago.
             way to fight the disease was   siderably, and this is due to   people to know whether
              to put the accent on preven-  pressure from civil society.   they are HIV positive or   The worst thing is that we
              tion.                   If you look back five or six   not, etc. We could deduce   are in fact facing a globaliza-
                                      years, you will see that   that there has probably   tion of the pandemic. It is no
              We had to take into consider-  expenditure on annual med-  been a reduction in mortal-  longer only an African pan-
              ation local usage and cus-  ical treatment was approxi-  ity; a reduction of patients   demic. It is becoming global
              toms, cultural factors, organ-  mately US$12,000 per per-  being hospitalized, etc. The   and it is in rapid evolution.
              ization of the society, etc.   son, whereas today the cost   question is, based on the   Today, it is in Eastern
              Thus, the need for a multi-  has decreased to US$130.   Brazilian experience, how   Europe, for instance, where
              sectoral action imposed                         can other countries take   the pandemic is spreading
              itself.                 Seven years ago, we were   advantage of this experi-  most rapidly.
                                      talking about US$300 mil-  ence and how can we trans-
              Whenever I say sector, I am   lion to finance the global   fer this kind of knowledge   In our societies experiencing
              not only thinking about the   action of UNAIDS. Today   to other countries, like   economic globalization and
              private and public sectors,   we are approaching US$7   Botswana where the rate of   human mobility, the conse-
              but also the community,   billion. There has been an   infection is close to 40%.   quences are that no region
              NGOs and how they are   accelerating effort over the   This experience of sharing   around the world can be pro-
              involved in the fight against   last couple of years.   is something we encourage   tected from the pandemic. It
              AIDS.                   UNAIDS has taken action to   and support.      is therefore of the utmost
                                      mobilize new resources,                        importance that we continue
              Is UNAIDS an internation-  multiplied actors in the field   I have the impression that   the awareness-raising and
              al organization on the same   and ensured that develop-  in Europe we talk less   information
              level as the other interna-  ment programmes are put in   about AIDS today than we   inform young people, espe-
              tional organizations?   place. Today, we have actors   did ten years ago and this   cially in schools, and ensure
                                      other than the State working   despite the fact that the   that the information about
              Yes, exactly, but with a slight   closely with us. It is very   risk is still prevalent. What   HIV and AIDS are included
              difference and that is that we   important to have partici-  are your comments?   in the school curricula so
              are not involved in the direct   pants from civil society with         that the whole surrounding
              execution of programmes.   us in this fight against the   I think you are absolutely   environment is engaged in
              Our objective is not to   disease. Let me give you an   right to stress this fact. One   this fight.
              launch a project and to run it.   example: simply in the field   of the reasons, I think, is
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