Page 9 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 9

Estimated pecentage of people on aatlrstovlral therapy among those in ne.4
                                                      sftuaton as of June 2005

             hand, more and more persons   either by the society or by   most private spheres of each   has proved that these persons
             are developing resistance to   people. It is a fight for social   human being, and it is some-  are more inclined to talk
             the first generation drugs. So   justice. Children becoming   thing very complex which   about the pandemic, the dis-
                                                              touches every aspect of our  ease, etc. And who can do it
                                             it is written on the
             how can we make it possible   orphans
             for the poor countries to offer   faces of the persons that you   society.   better than those feeling it in
             these drugs to their popula-  will never meet. You really               their bones? Besides, they are
              tion and to those who have   belong to the privileged few.   I told you earlier about this  just normal people like the
             developed resistance to the   There are thousands and   young boy who came to see  rest of us, so why should they
              first-generation drugs?   thousands of people out there   me at another conference.  be treated differently!
                                      just waiting to get a pill or   These two examples are only
              In addition, we have a prob-  two a day, and this pill might   two personal histories—from   Q: 2010 is an important year
              lem of brain-drain in Africa.   permit them to live longer,   two different persons—and  for UNAIDS. What would
              How can we encourage and   for without it they are sen-  they never make the head-  you like to have achieved by
              motivate those who can   tenced to death. How do we   lines. The important thing for  then?
              develop our societies to stay   overcome this death sentence   these persons is that there is
              in their countries? There are   from a chronic disease, espe-  somebody out there telling  Time is against us. What I
              also certain aspects linked to   cially when you know that   the stories about what they   really wish is that every
              our economic situation. As   the solution is out there?   have to face every day. We  young person has been
              you see, there are many prob-                   are to a certain extent a voice   informed about the risk of
              lems associated with the   Whenever you work within   for the unheard, the forgotten   AIDS; that those who are
              AIDS pandemic in Africa and   this field, reality catches up   ones, the discriminated  infected might live longer;
              all of this has to fit into a big-  with you every day. I still   ones—and this voice is  that universal access to treat-
              ger picture, a long-term plan.   remember a HIV-positive   UNAIDS. This is what Pieter  ment exists; and that discrim-
              But then, how will we find   woman who came to see me   Piot, Executive Director of  ination and stigmatization for
              the funding required?   at a Conference. She and her   UNAIDS, has managed to do   those infected has ceased to
                                      husband were both infected,   and continues to do every  exist...
              Q: Do you think that people   and she desperately wanted a   day. This attitude is what
              working in the fight against   child. A year later, I met her   shines through in this organi-
              AIDS are more motivated   again, and she had got her   zation. We are not only an
              than others?            child—and the child was not   organization; we are the
                                      infected. You do not have the   voice of those who do not
              I worked for more than twen-  right to say to a person that   have one.
              ty years as a UNICEF coun-  she should not have child. In
              try representative. Honestly, I   Africa, you have this belief   Q: From what I have heard,
              think that there is nothing   that every child brings with   UNAIDS is the only organi-
              nobler than to work in the   him/her luck, and perhaps   zation that has HIV-infected
              fight against AIDS. The rea-  this woman would think that   persons on its  staff. Is this
              son is simple. First of all, you   she would have the chance to   true?
              are fighting for human beings   see her child growing up if
              who are touched in their pri-  she had access to proper   We have, in fact, HIV-infect-
              vate lives, who are discrimi-  treatment. AIDS touches   ed colleagues. It is not at all a
              nated against and rejected   everything that is within the   symbolic action. Experience

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