Page 8 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 8

At the beginning  of  the   and this would
                                   emergence  of  AIDS, we   reduce the num-
                                   often heard that the HIV   ber of orphans,
                                   virus was different from one   increase the pro-
                                   region to another. Is this   ductivity of soci-
                                   still the case?         ety and certainly
                                                           contribute to a
                                   It is true that the HIV virus is   strategy of pre-
                                   a very complex one. We   vention. When a
                                   have, for instance, several   person is infect-
                                   versions of it. The virus you   ed and has access   From left Mr Pieter Piot, Executive
                                                                           Director of LTNAIDS, Kofi Annan
                                   find in West Africa is not the   to medical treat-
                                   same as that in Eastern   ment, he or she is   (Secretary-General of the United Nations),
                                                                           Mr Sidibe and a colleague
                                   Africa, and so on. This is the   more inclined to
                                   reason why research for a   participate
                                   vaccine is extremely com-  actively in prevention cam-  have 12 million children who
                                   plex and, despite the fact that   paigns. These persons do   do not attend school you are
                                   huge progress has been   everything they can in order   facing huge problems. These
                                   made, a curative vaccine has   for others to take the subject   children do not have access to
                                   still not been developed.   more seriously.     any kind of "social security"
                                                                                   system that would protect
                                   I tend to think that the   We are facing some very   them. They might therefore
                                   biggest difficulty is not so   serious problems. When you   become an easy target for ill-
                                   much the nature of the virus,   look at certain African coun-  intentioned people who could
                                   but rather how to prepare the   tries today you see a serious   exploit them. Many might
                                                                                   end up as sex-workers.
                                   future generations to manage   drop in life expectancy
                                   their sexuality in a responsi-  countries like Botswana,
                                   ble manner. Each generation   Zimbabwe and Swaziland.   An important aspect of
                                   has to be prepared and   For instance, in Botswana   African culture is family
                                   informed about the virus, the   life expectancy would have   cohesion. How can we make
                                   ways the virus is transmitted,   been sixty years if the AIDS   sure that this family cohesion
                                   etc. That is an important   pandemic did not exist;   will continue? Up until today,
                                   task. In order to carry it out,   today it has dropped to thir-  the family or the extended
                                   you need an efficient strate-  ty-seven or thirty-eight   family would assume respon-
                                   gy. My main concerns and   years. The impact of this   sibility for these children, but
                                   worries are the consequences   pandemic is enormous. Life   what happens on the day
                                   of globalization and human   expectancy is not only a pub-  when the family is no longer
                                   migration, since the risk of   lic health indicator, but it is   there? We have already start-
                                   an important pandemic is   also an indicator of the eco-  ed to see that family cohesion
                                   present everywhere today.   nomic development of a   is vanishing, and this has
                                                           country. The consequence of   important implications for the
                                   Q:  Today, how long can a   this drop in life expectancy   future structure of African
                                   person who is HIV positive   is that production has   societies.
                                   expect to live?         dropped, that knowledge,
                                                           cultural values and the whole   Personally, I tend to believe
                                   According to the experts, if   education system are suffer-  that we have to start to re-
                                   the infected person is receiv-  ing. The whole State is   think the questions of solidar-
                                   ing medication, he or she can   becoming weaker and weak-  ity between rich and poor
                                   easily live a normal life for   er, and the development of   countries, social order and
                                   seventeen or eighteen years.   society is slowing down.   globalization. This pandemic
                                                           These are some of the impor-  has raised so many important
                                   However, I am really sad   tant situations that we are   questions. For instance, peo-
                                   about one thing. Today, you   facing due to the AIDS pan-  ple receiving medication in
                                   have a situation in Africa   demic.             Africa are being treated with
                                   with 28 million HIV-infected                    the first-generation drugs,
                                   persons. There are only   Last year UNICEF launched   whereas in Europe and other
                                   about 350,000 persons who   a campaign called "Children   Western countries, people are
                                   have access to adequate   and AIDS". Today, there   already using the second-gen-
                                   medication. We know today   exist 12 million AIDS   eration drugs, which are more
                                   that with medical treatment a   orphans. I do not want to be   efficient—but also are more
                                   person can live much longer,   pessimistic, but when you   costly. In African on the other

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