Page 13 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 13

Interview with Nadine Burcher,

                         Managing Director, UNIQA Assurances SA
                         International Health and Accident Insurance

              Q: The name UNIQA       staff of more than 9,700. It is
              Assurances SA is well-  a financially strong and well-  Die UNIQA Landkarte wächst
              known among people work-  known group with a premium   EXtSSlOII & POTBIZIAL. UNIQA erobert the Zukurrftsmárkte irn Osten Europas.
              ing for CERN, but other   income of € 3,600 mio for
              people may not know what   2004. Being one of the lead-
             you are doing. Would you   ing suppliers of insurance          The UNIQA map is growing
              be so kind as to tell us   solutions and health-care   EXt USSf*t & PQT1T114L   UNIQA crexass the markets of the future kr Eastern Europe.
              something about your    services, we enjoy an excel-
              group and your activity in   lent reputation for the quality
              Switzerland?            of the services supplied.                                 WetIticY, CanOe
                                                                                                Ystitche WheAt,
              We are, in fact, a member of   In Switzerland, we are
              the UNIQA group, which is   involved in a specialized   GERMANY
              an Austrian insurance   niche market, namely private
              group.                  health insurance for the inter-
              UNIQA Assurances SA is a   According to Swiss legisla-
              Swiss private health insur-  tion on social health insur-
              ance company established   ance, since 1996 any resident
              in 1979 with an intentional   in Switzerland is obliged to
              Austrian identity, represent-  be part of the Swiss social
              ing economic and ethical   health insurance system.
              values in every area in   However, those who work for
              every aspect of our activi-  the international organiza-
              ties. We were earlier known   tions, diplomats and expatri-
                                                              not, therefore, have a license   expanding and acquiring new
              under the name Austria   ates working for multination-
                                                              to propose other types of   clients.
              Assurance. Since 2001, as a   al companies are exempted
              result of a merger between   from this rule. They are free
                                                                                     Q: Can you offer the same
              our Austrian headquarters   to choose their own insur-  Q: The name ofyour compa-  services to other internation-
              and other insurance compa-  ance. It is all a matter of legal   ny is very familiar for those   al organizations?
              nies, the group and its for-  status, and we are serving
                                                              working in CERN. What you
              eign subsidiaries were   those who are not subject to   are offering to people work-  Many of the international
              renamed UNIQA.          the obligation of the Swiss
                                                              ing there?             organizations, the big ones in
              In Austria, UNIQA is a   social security scheme.
                                                              Historically, UNIQA came   particular, already have their
              market leader in all the dif-                   to Switzerland because of   internal social security plan,
              ferent insurance branches.   Q: There are people in inter-  the health insurance contract   often self-funded and/or self-
              For geographical and his-  national organizations who
                                                              we established with CERN   administrated. The degree of
              torical reasons, the UNIQA   are not covered by health
                                                              thirty-five years ago. Ever   coverage is not the same, if
              group has now turned    insurance. Can they sub-  since then, we have been the   you compare the one in the
              towards the emerging mar-  scribe to medical insurance   insurance company for   UN with the one in CERN.
              kets in Eastern Europe.   with you?
                                                              CERN and we have adapted
              Today we are active in all                      to their needs. Currently   Our particularity is that we
              insurance sectors through-  We do not sell individual
                                                              there are around 12'000 per-  do not offer only a standard
              out eleven countries, and   health insurances; we only   sons covered by the CERN   product: we can tailor some
              we are expanding into   provide collective health   Health Insurance Scheme.   product to the needs of our
                                      insurance. For instance, if a
              Ukraine, 	                                      We have also established a   clients, and we propose to
              Russia and Romania. In the   representative from a diplo-
                                                              Help Desk on the CERN site   them the territorial coverage
              Western European markets,   matic mission comes to see   and devoted our activities to   they need—it may consist of
              UNIQA is active in all   us, we could offer an insur-  their needs.     medical coverage for Europe
              insurance sectors, whereas   ance policy covering the staff
                                                              We also provide health   or the whole world. We have,
              in the more mature markets   of the mission and their fam-  insurance to other clients but   for instance, partners all over
              UNIQA functions in more   ilies on health matters, sick-
                                                              CERN remains our most   the world, and particularly in
              specialized niche markets.   ness and loss of earning in   important
                                                                                      the United States, which is
              In Europe, UNIQA Group   case of illness. The fact that   Switzerland. But, of course,   one of the most liberal insur-
              serves more than 3.4 mil-  we do not sell individual
                                                              our objectives consist of   ance markets in the world.
              lion customers, with a total   health insurances is a matter
                                      of strategic choice. We do
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