Page 17 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 17

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              unique platform for systemat-  and the WTO where we are   involved in this matter, and   urge our partners to become
              ic dialogue between nations   currently leading accession   we worked for practically six   seriously involved in pursuing
              on how to construct a safer   negotiations, also receive the   years on the principles, which   economic reforms, in creating
              world. I am convinced that,   focus of our attention.   resulted in the Almaty   jobs and in this way improv-
              despite all concerns and                         Declaration. This was a big   ing the standard of living in
              doubts arising in the twenty-  The importance and influence   success for this Conference   their countries.
              first century, the United   of regional organizations is   and in 2002 the first Summit
              Nations will continue to play   steadily growing. The   took place in Almaty. If you   Kazakhstan is a stable demo-
              a key role in international life.   improvement of co-ordination   had been at this forum, you   cratic state, enjoying the rapid
                                       between regional organiza-  would not have believed see-  pace of economic reforms.
              Strong commitment to a more   tions and the UN system will   ing such an assembly before.   There is absolutely no con-
              secure world has always been   create the conditions for more   The leaders of Iran and   frontation between the people
              the pivot of our participation   efficient co-operation. In this   Pakistan were sitting at one   and the state. On the contrary,
              in the work of the UN system.   context, Kazakhstan supports   table with the Israelis and the   there is an everyday co-opera-
              It is worth remembering that   the idea of creating a council   Indians. The last Ministerial   tion which contributes
              Kazakhstan made a crucial   of regional organizations   Meeting took place in 2004   towards the dynamic develop-
              decision to renounce its   under auspices of the UN   and today we have seventeen   ment of the country. Political
              nuclear arsenal and to accede   Secretary-General. Our inten-  members. I am happy to say   dialogue between the authori-
              to two major treaties in this   tion to chair the OSCE in   that many of our international   ties and democratic institu-
              field—the Nuclear Non-   2009, which has received the   colleagues
                                                                                      tions, such as an independent
              Proliferation Treaty (NPT)   backing of many countries, is   Kazakhstan to be a regional   mass media and NGOs, is
              and the Comprehensive Test-  another step in this direction,   power.   very intense. The transparen-
              Ban Treaty (CTBT).       conforming to the general line                 cy of political processes and a
              However, we are concerned   of our foreign policy.   President Nazarbayev pro-  high level of interaction
              about the absence of a unified                   posed the creation of a Union   between state and citizens
              approach to the most pressing   In this regard, I would like to   of Central Asian Countries.   make it easier to find a suit-
              issues of nuclear non-prolifer-  underline the efforts of our   This idea pursues political   able approach to addressing
              ation.                   country to create a complex   integration by boosting eco-  questions that arise. The
                                       security system in Asia. A   nomic co-operation in order   establishment of stable and
              And we should not forget that   tremendous amount of work   to create a common regional   mutual relations between the
              Geneva is possibly the most   carried out by President   market and to address effi-  state and the people is the best
              important centre of humani-   Nazarbayev has resulted in   ciently water, energy and   way to ensure stability and
              tarian 	                                         transport problems in the   prosperity for any state.
                                       the establishment of the
              Kazakhstan works closely   Conference on Interaction and   region. Kazakhstan really
              with major agencies in this   Confidence - Building   wants regional co-operation   Q: What do you think about
              field, such as the International   Measures in Asia, which   to be developed and strength-  the results of the elections of
              Committee of the Red Cross   ensures active co-operation of   ened. It is a difficult task bear-  the President of Kazakhstan
              and the Federation of the Red   all regional powers and serves   ing in mind the discrepancies   which took place on 5th
              Cross and Red Crescent   as a framework to address   that exist in Central Asia. That   December?
              Associations, the World   such important issues as the   is why we are urging our
              Health 	                                         Central Asian partners to   As you know, the acting pres-
                                       fight against terrorism, the
              UNAIDS and the Global    non-proliferation of weapons   make joint efforts to combat   ident N.Nazarbayev was sup-
              Fund. Such important actors   of mass destruction and illicit   religious extremism, illicit   ported by an overwhelming
              as the ILO, the Human Rights   drug trafficking.   drug trafficking and the arms   majority of voters. The people
              Commission, the Conference   We initiated the Conference in   trade, illegal migration and   of my country have almost
              on Disarmament, UNCTAD   1992. I was personally   human trafficking. We also   unanimously voted for the
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