Page 18 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 18

president Nazarbayev' policy   clearly says that the European   presents an opportunity to   reason that we are targeting
            of reforms which made   countries are the most impor-  open a new chapter of eco-  these companies, and they are
            Kazakhstan one of the most   tant political and economic   nomic co-operation with our   most warmly invited and wel-
            successful countries in the   partners of our country.   European partners—and with   comed to come to Kazakhstan
            post-soviet area. Our people   Switzerland stands in the   Switzerland in particular. Our   to do business with us. There
            voted for the stability, for the   forefront, as it possesses great   domestic businesses have   are vast rural areas in my coun-
            prosperous economy, for the   economic potential and mod-  started to show an interest in   try; we are the sixth world pro-
            better future of their children,   ern technologies. I want to   Switzerland. The most impor-  ducer of wheat; we not only
            for the strong, competitive   emphasize that economic co-  tant task is to encourage pos-  have oil, but we have cotton
            and democratic Kazakhstan.   operation is of special interest   itive tendencies and to bring   production as well.
            They voted against upheavals,   for us. For instance, Swiss   economic co-operation to a
            interethnic conflicts, unem-  technologies and investments   higher level.   Two months ago, here in
            ployment and poverty.   are highly desired in the vari-  An important step in this   Switzerland, we invited small
            According to the assessments   ous branches of our economy.   direction was the inaugura-  and medium business compa-
            of the independent observers   While the economy of   tion of the Association   nies to come to Kazakhstan.
            from a number of countries   Kazakhstan is still dependent   "Switzerland-Kazakhstan"   The second idea behind this
            and international organiza-  on the extraction sectors, we   which took place in Zurich on   event is the cultural aspect.
            tions, these elections were   have made progress in diver-  28 September  2005.  The   Business has to support cul-
            free, transparent and honest.   sifying our economy. The   association brings together   ture. These are the ideas behind
            All the unbiased observers   leaders of Kazakhstan are   businessmen and politicians   the
            registered no serious viola-  aware of the urgent need to   from our two countries, and   Association that we set up in
            tions of the law and con-  restructure the economy and   will promote bilateral co-  Zurich. If people are interested
            firmed the compliance of the   to develop industry in the   operation in various spheres.   in taking part in this associa-
            elections to the international   fields of transport and com-  The aim of the association is   tion, they should just get in
            standards. This is a result of   munications, chemicals and   simply to bring people   touch with the mission here in
            our strong commitment to   petrochemicals. Swiss com-  together, and thereby facili-  Geneva.
            have cooperation with all   panies with a high level of   tate bilateral relations.
            international agencies.   technological development
                                    could contribute to the expan-  Q: So, if there is a company
            Q: What, in your opinion, is   sion of the technology-based   wishing to do business with
            the place that European   branches. As for the Swiss   Kazakhstan, what should
            countries—and Switzerland   economic presence, it is note-  they do?
            in particular—occupy in the   worthy than thirty companies
                                    and banks, in addition to more
            foreign 		                                     The answer is simple: get in
            Kazakhstan? What is the   than sixty joint-ventures com-  touch with me! Although I
            level  of  Switzerland's eco-  panies, are active in   am not a specialist in bilater-
            nomic presence in your   Kazakhstan. The total amount   al relations, this is something
            country?                of Swiss investments in our   I am currently learning about.
                                    economy has exceeded   However, let me say this: it is
            I would like to quote the last   US$500 millions.   not difficult for a multina-
            Annual Address by the                          tional company to do busi-
            President of Kazakhstan, Mr.   In addition, the significant   ness anywhere; the problem
            N. Nazarbayev to the people   improvement of the economic   is with small and medium-
            of the republic, in which he   situation in Kazakhstan also   sized businesses. This is the
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