Page 23 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 23

US Chinooks and IOM trucks form a logistics chain to deliver relief to remote highland valleys. Chaklala Airbase, Islamabad.
              (Photo: Warrick Page / (0 IOM, 2005)
              other items essential for sal-  Shelter Cluster to contribute  But with the weather in the
              vaging the remains of houses   materials and staff to the pro-  mountains expected to deterio-
              and building "a warm room" for   gramme. Three engineering bat-  rate daily, nobody is under any
              each family to survive the win-  talions of the Pakistan army  illusion that the logistical chal-
              ter.                    assigned to earthquake relief  lenge facing IOM and other
              "We start by finding the most   will provide support to Winter  agencies will become progres-
              vulner-able people in the village   Race and UNHCR has already  sively worse through November
              and building them a shelter. That   made a significant contribution  and into December. Rain and
              gets everyone's attention and   of material.   snow will reduce the number of
              then we get them working on                    helicopter sorties and may bring
              shelters for everyone. This is   "Winter Race is a window of  down more landslides, blocking
              about giving them the materials   opportunity that offers people in  more roads.
              and the skills, but mostly about   valleys above 5,000 ft. an
              motivating them to help them-  improvised alternative that may  The other major challenge, simi-
              selves," says IOM team member,   be preferable to tents in deep  lar to other organizations, is the
              Brett Williams.         snow. We know that many peo-  lack of funds needed to keep
                                      ple don't want to come down to  working on getting help to those
              TOM, which has ordered 10,000   camps at lower altitudes and we  who, without it, will probably
              of the kits, the last of which is   think that this could be the solu-  not survive the Himalayan win-
              scheduled for delivery on 25   tion to minimizing displacement   ter.
              November, has asked partner   and all the problems associated
              agencies in the Emergency   with it," says Lennon.
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