Page 19 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 19

UNOSAT: a unique UN initiative

                         PAKISTAN - MUREE - Central city area                  1:7,SOO

                       This map shows the centre of the city of Muree in Pakistan on 19 October 2005, after the quake. Maps like these help
                       determine the extent of damage in the early phases of a disaster and are useful decision support tools both
                       in the field and at headquarters. Image by QuickbirdlEuropean Space Imaging. Credits: European CommissionlJRC,
                                      conflicts in Mozambique, in  can use the services of a geome-  Q: Who are the main users?
             It is not often that one
                                      Cambodia, etc. I was at the time  ter, or study aerial photos, or   It is especially the disaster assis-
             of the projects of the   working for UNOPS on recon-  satellite images, etc. We started   tance team that uses our maps
                                      struction projects around the  by using satellite images. In fact,   during their field missions.
                                      world.                 the satellite photo is less expen-  When you arrive at the airport of
             awarded an internation-                         sive than traditional aerial pho-  the country that has requested
             al prize. This year      One of the things I noticed was  tography.     assistance, you are met by the
             UNOSAT was awarded       that the work to be carried Out                authorities who will give you a
                                      after either a conflict or a natural   We soon realized that quite a lot   report—they will tell you that
             the prestigious ESRI*
                                      disaster was quite similar. In  of people needed this kind of   such and such damage has
             prize, for their outstand-  most cases, the infrastructure  information, but nobody had   occurred, that there are so many
             ing work during the      was often located in high-risk  acquired the necessary know-  people missing; dead, etc. You
             Tsunami Crisis.          zones, as this is the cheapest  how. So we said to ourselves that   have at your disposal, in fact,
                                      solution. However, to preserve  we ought set up a service in   quite a limited amount of infor-
                                      the investment made, you need  order to facilitate access to this   mation. There are no maps
             We met with Alain Retiere, one   to build roads that will not be  kind of application for all the   explaining the damage, but with
             of the people behind
                                      washed out when the first flood  UN agencies, as well as the   our maps you will be able to
             UNOSAT—the UN initiative to   arrives. To do so, you need the  NGOs working with the UN, in   derive concrete and accurate
             expand direct access to satellite
                                      assistance of specialized engi-  addition to politicians and other   information. Discussions will
             imagery through the Internet and   neers and other costly expertise,   local authorities in high-risk   therefore be much more con-
             other media tools. The goal is to   and often people do not have the  zones.   structive.
             facilitate the physical planning   necessary funds to carry out
             process of local authorities, proj-
                                      these studies. The errors of the  Q:  So how do your clients   For instance, in 2004 there was
             ect managers and field personnel
                                      past would therefore be repeat-  obtain access to your services?   an earthquake in Morocco. We
             working in emergency response,
                                      ed.                                            created maps that showed the
             disaster management, risk pre-
                                                             As a general rule, the end-user   villages that had been affected
             vention, peace-keeping, environ-  Once you have repaired the  requests our services through the   by the earthquake, and therefore
             mental rehabilitation, post-con-
                                      infrastructure, let it be schools,  United Nations. For instance, we   the relief teams were able to con-
             flict reconstruction and social   roads, etc., you need somebody  provide maps to the humanitari-  centrate the relief assistance on
             and economic development.
                                      to administer these territories,  an assistance teams indicating   those villages that had been
                                      since the United Nations cannot  the damage that has occurred   completely isolated. The maps
             So when did if all start?
                                      do it for ever. However, it is not  during a natural disaster. For   proved themselves to be
                                      an easy task to administer a terri-  almost two-and-a-half years we   extremely useful for relief assis-
             It all started in the 1990s when   tory and if you do not have accu-  have been suppliers of maps   tance as the victims were numer-
             the United Nations, through   rate geographical data it  whenever a natural disaster has   ous and the distances to be cov-
             UNOPS (the United Nations   becomes almost impossible.   occurred, each time showing the   ered were considerable.
             Office for Project Services), was               impact and the size of the dam-
             put in charge of the reconstruc-  There are several ways of  age caused.   We work with all the different
             tion of disaster areas and local
                                      obtaining geographical data. You               UN organizations, but we dis-
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