Page 20 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 20

lion. We have, in fact, three dif-  We were, of course, very hon-
                                                            ferent financing sources. Our   oured, and we dedicate this prize
                                                            primary source of revenue   to all our users and the people
                                                            comes from our users within the   assisting us in this matter.
                                                            UN system. In addition, we have
                                                            some voluntary contributions   Q: So where would you like to
                                                            from different Member States   go from here?
                                                            and then the funds we earn
                                                            through the European Space   We are quite a young structure.
                                                            Agency.                Now the time has come for
                                                                                   UNOSAT to become more insti-
                                                            At the beginning of our business   tutionalized, and this is one of
                                                            venture we were present at sev-  the reasons why we are trying to
                                                            eral conferences and internation-  increase the voluntary contribu-
                                                            al gatherings. Of course, things   tions to our budget so that we
                                                            were not always easy as there   will be able to have more finan-
                                                            were some opposition to the   cial security.
                                                            project, but since then we have
                                                            tried to keep a low and modest   We are an operational service,
                                                            profile, while remaining at the   and we have the disadvantages
                                                            service of the international com-  of being a kind of business
                                                            munity.                enterprise without having the
                                                                                   possibility of making any profit,
                                                            Q.  You provided all the maps   so we really would like to be
            seminate the information   obtain high-quality images.   for the Tsunami Crisis. How did   able to plan our budget in the
            through OCHA (the Office for   Q.  Who are UNOSAT's  part-  that affect your work?   longer term. Normally, in the
            the 	                                                                  UN system one should have the
            Humanitarian Affairs) to all the                The Tsunami really gave us   funds available before one can
            humanitarian agencies. The first   UNOPS and UNITAR (the   quite a lot of publicity. Like   carry out an operation, but we
            person to encourage the use of   United Nations Institute for   most other people at that time,   provide services first and get
            satellite maps was the former   Training and Research), work-  we were away on holiday, but   paid later, like a normal busi-
            director of OCHA, Ross   ing in collaboration set up   just like any other organization   ness. However, as the Rules and
            Mountain.              UNOSAT. Since neither of these   working in the humanitarian   Regulations of the UN are quite
                                   agencies had funds, we had to   field, we had at least one person   strict on this matter, we feel that
            Today, we are able to propose   find then. So we decided to par-  on stand-by. I was on duty when   we also ought to be capable of
            satellite images to our partners   ticipate in a public bid by the   I heard the news, and I contacted   having some degree of advance
            from all the existing satellite-  European Space Agency. We had   OCHA right away. In a short   planning.
            image distributors worldwide;   contacted ESA in order to   time, I managed to mobilize col-
            that is, more than thirteen differ-  inform them about our project,   leagues and "friends" and, with-  Q: Where would you like to be
            ent partners. The one we tend to   and they thought the idea was so   in a couple of hours, we were   ten years from now?
            use most is Landsat, which   interesting that they decided to   capable of sending Out the first
            belongs to NASA (the National   include it in one of their public   maps of the disaster. The more   We would like to become a com-
            Aeronautics 	                                   complex and detailed maps took   mon service for all the agencies
                                   bids. We submitted an offer, and
            Administration); this is followed   we were awarded our first con-  us a longer time, but within   of the United Nations. There are,
            the French satellite SPOT.   tract of €750,000.  These funds   forty-eight hours we were capa-  in fact, three major agencies we
                                   gave us the possibility of getting   ble of having detailed maps of   would like to serve: OCHA for
            Q:  Being completely ignorant   started, to buy the necessary   the disaster and its impact on   the humanitarian part; UNDP
            of satellite technologies, I   equipment. We are treated like   South-East Asia. For instance,
            would be grateful if you  could   any other private business. The   one of our maps was down-  (the
                                                                                   Development Programme) dur-
            explain how it works.   people behind the project are   loaded from the Internet more   ing the reconstruction period;
                                   quite proud of the fact that we in   than 800,000 times.
            There are two types of satellite.   the UN can be as competitive       and finally DPKO (the
                                                                                   Department of Peace-keeping
            The first one I would compare to   and efficient as a private enter-  Q: I think that you were award-  Operations) for the peacekeep-
            a "camera", as it takes photo-  prise—it is only a matter of   ed a prize for the work that you   ing missions.
            graphs of the Earth. It is placed   organization, motivation, techni-  had carried out during the
            on an orbit about 400 to 800 km   cal skills and efficiency.   Tsunami Crisis?   The most important thing for us
            away from the Earth. If the                                            is to be of assistance to human
            weather is cloudy, this type of   UNOSAT has a team of twenty-  We were contacted by ESRI—
            satellite is not much use as it   five persons working on the   the equivalent of Microsoft in   beings and to provide them with
            takes photos of what it can see,   premises of CERN (the   the field of geographical and   modern technologies so that the
            and we are more interested in   European Organization for   environmental software—who   errors of the past will not be the
            finding out what is going on   Nuclear Research), benefiting   thought that the work we had   errors of tomorrow. However,
            underneath the clouds—the   from their infrastructure. CERN   done during the Tsunami Crisis   we are quite proud about one
                                                                                   fact and that is that the UN can
            towns, villages, roads, etc. In   wanted to support our work but,   was
            addition, it does not function at   as you know, they are not   Therefore, they wanted to hon-  be as efficient and effective as
            night.                 allowed to give us funds, so they   our us with this prize.   any other private enterprise and,
                                   told us kindly: "If our equipment               in addition to that, there are no
            That was the reason why anoth-  and premises can be of any use,   Every year, ESRI organizes a   other private companies doing
            er type of satellite was devel-  we are delighted to be at your   huge international conference   the work we are doing
            oped using radar technology.   disposal."       for the users of geographical   For more information see:
            The radar satellite sends signals               data. The delegates are high-  http:!/
            down to the Earth and they are   When we started our project, our   level specialists coming from all
            reflected back. The data are then   initial budget was US$500,000.   over the world to discuss matters   * = Environmental Systems
            processed and we are able to   Today we are close to US$3 ml!-   of common interest.   Research Institute, Inc.
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