Page 15 - DIVA_No.23_2006
P. 15
satisfaction query to our
insured: more than 95% of
them were satisfied or very UNIQA
satisfied with UNIQA servic-
In early 2006, we are going to
inaugurate a new service to
our clients: they will be able
to access their medical
accounts from the Internet
and this is also a move to International health
increase contact and trans-
parency with our clients. and
accident insurance
We have an excellent local
health network; including the
best private clinics and health
providers, whether for out- You live your life - we give you safety
patient care or for hospitaliza-
tion; we provide world-wide
repatriation; In addition, our
concern is to keep the costs
under control. It is easy to
Partner of International Organisations
offer everything, but the costs
have to be reasonable and the
insured person must find
his/her way financially. This
UNIQA Assurances SA
is the most difficult part, Rue des Eaux-Vives 94
especially in a country like Case pos tale 6402
1211 Genève 6
Switzerland where medical
costs have exploded over kNet Tél: +4122 71863 00
recent years. T Fax: +4122 71863 63
For instance, I am very
pleased that we have been
able to establish a partnership ences, we select those places Yes, that's the case. In addi- course, to increase awareness
with more than 100 medical where most of them go, eval- tion, we guarantee a direct about UNIQA—to make it
doctors in Geneva who have uate the quality of the servic- payment, which implies that even better known within the
accepted to apply the recom- es offered, and then negotiate you do not have to pay any- specialized market in which
mended fees Tarmed to to obtain a good price and thing apart from your pri- we operate. We are also con-
our insured. You must under- priority access for our clients. vate expenses. We have, for stantly aiming to improve the
stand that the international The supplier, on the other instance, a special agree- quality of the products and
community does not benefit hand, is guaranteed that he ment with the Clinique solutions that we offer and to
from the same fee schedule as will receive a steady number Générale Beaulieu, which find new clients who may
the Swiss; therefore doctors of clients. gives us a very attractive benefit from our expertise
are free to charge high fees. price for child-birth with an and know-how. Our company
This is the reason why there Establishing partnerships— optimal quality of medical has strong values to which
is such a huge variation in drawing up agreements with treatment. However, when it we remain faithful, such as
fees from one doctor to our partners—in order to pro- comes to a consideration as transparency, ethics, flexibili-
another. Our work consists of vide high-quality medical important as health, it is ty and quality.
finding high-quality partners service with reasonable very important to guarantee
with reasonable prices, and prices is one of our priorities to the insured persons that
this is really quite a chal- and areas of expertise. I think the final choice will still
lenge. it is really very valuable for a remain theirs and that they
private insurance company to will be free to choose the
Q: So how to you proceed to have been able to establish medical provider that suits
choose a supplier? such a network. them best. UNIQA Assurances SA
94, rue des Eaux-Vives
Our clients have certain Q: So if I am insured with Q: What are your objec- CH-1211 Geneve 6
habits in Geneva and we are your company, I have priori- tives?
limited by the local offer. ty access in comparison with Tel: 4122 718 63 30
However, knowing that our somebody who is not insured Our objectives are, of Internet:
clients have certain prefer- with you?
12006 Diva 13